Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I'm official! (Well, almost...)

I'm an official South Carolina driver. More or less. I obtained a SC license yesterday, and I'm not sure if it's all the post-911 stuff or not, but they don't make it easy on you....I went to their website, and everything that I read for those of us who had a license in another state seemed to be pretty self-explanatory: come in, fill out a form, have a quick vision test, and Bob's Yer Uncle--you get a license. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and why did I expect it to be???

I talk to the not-so-nice (but probably the reigning Customer Service Queen for the SC DMV) lady, explained that I just moved here, I have a license from TN, and what do I need to do to get a SC license? She pulled out a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a mimeograph showing exactly what I'd need to bring in....My SSN card (check); my birth certificate (darn, it's at home. I don't know why I don't carry it around with me. I should start. Never know when Publix may need to make sure that I'm who I say I am when I buy bread.); proof of physical address (luckily, that arrived when I went back to the apartment to fetch all the other requirements); my marriage license (just in case I lied to the Federal Gov't when I got my SSN card....and is it wrong for me to think that it's a bit sexist that Patrick doesn't have to show proof of marriage, but I do? I don't think it's a name thing--my SSN card clearly shows my legal name. I think it's a way the Man tries to keep me down.); and nowhere did the list state that a current Driver's License from another state could be accepted as proof of who I am.

So, I trucked back to the apartment, and lo & behold--we have mail! (Are you all hearing the AOL guy's voice in your head? I did.) And it was addressed to us, too! It was from Allstate, showing our physical residence in SC, and was also our proof of Auto Insurance. Hurrah! I dug through my jewelry box (where everyone keeps their valuable paperwork...I know my Mom did, and I guess I'm carrying on that fine tradition!) and retrieved my birth certificate, my passport, pretty much everything I could find that had my name on it, took the Allstate info & went back to the DMV. The woman I spoke with this time was actually very nice--I'm sure she won't last long. I waited in the chairs--my number was 76; the current number being served was 52. Not too bad. I think I waited for less than 30 minutes, and then talked to another nice woman, who took all my info, took my money, took my vision test, then asked me to wait in another chair section. Then I got my picture taken. It's not too bad. Patrick says it looks like I'm smirking a bit, which I guess is appropriate for me.

Today my adventure will be: Find out what county we live in, and go pay taxes on our vehicles so I can get SC Tags issued. And yes, boys & girls, that does mean another trip to the DMV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear you sound so happy!!! You guys are where you want to be and you've embraced it totally!!! SO happy

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the list is getting smaller Hooray!!

12:35 PM  

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