Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wow. 39? Really?

Okay, I know that this is cliched, but I don't feel old. In fact, I feel anything but. Well, except in the morning when my knees are a bit stiff, or when I've slept funny and my back sorta aches, or when I don't get any of the pop culture references the kids are talking about these days.

But seriously--it seems odd that I'm in my last year of my thirties. I'm the age that I thought was positively ancient, and I am.

I don't see myself as ancient, and I don't mind getting older--every day is a new opportunity, a new somethin' or other to learn. And, of course, it does beat the alternative. I guess it helps that I still shock people when they find out my true age, because I must look that young.

I look back at everything I've accomplished, and even though I may not have done everything that I thought I would, or even that I did everything "right," I think my life so far has been pretty great: I've got wonderful parents, great friends & family, and I've had some great adventures: living in Alaska, experiencing -60 degree temps, going to England twice, getting married (on a glacier!), having a baby, getting a chance to see said baby grow into a little boy, and hopefully get to see him have a life of his own adventures.

I think I've had a pretty amazing journey up to this part--and can't wait to see what the next 39 years will bring!


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