Thursday, June 02, 2005

Well, I've turned in my resignation. It was short & sweet...and felt pretty darn good. My last day is June 30. Patrick's last day is June 15, and he'll start in SC on June 20. We figured that there's no point in me coming down right away, since he'll be training at the Belmont, NC facility for the first little bit...but we hope that after the 4th of July holiday (also known as "Celebration of Patrick & Chauntelle") he'll be in Greenville training (or places close by). I'm really going to redouble my efforts to find a far everything that I've put in for hasn't come back with ANYTHING (hello?? is there anybody in there?). So...Patrick will leave me the weekend of the 17th most likely, then will come back to Jackson the 4th of July weekend, and we'll pack as much stuff up in the moving van and head out of Dodge.

Now about the house...I'm going to work on it this weekend, painting, finishing up some trim work...I just feel like the only way I'm going to not feel overwhelmed is to just work on it so that I feel like I'm getting stuff accomplished. Otherwise I'll just curl up in a fetal position in the corner. And that won't be pretty. We need to get this house sold and quickly...and to do that, we need to have it all spiffy so we can put the "For Sale" sign in the yard. I need everyone to keep all fingers & toes crossed....


Blogger RachieK said...

I know how easy it is to become overwhelmed. I can panic over grocery shopping if my head is not in the right place. I think your house is fantastic already, so anything that you do at this point will just be gravy. So no worrying, Sis!! Also, I'm sure the only reason you have not heard from any of the jobs you have applied for is because the PERFECT one has yet to come along. I know it will. It's time for some really good stuff to start happening for our family, so I have faith that everything will be as close to perfect as we can stand it.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Chauntelle said...

Thank you, Rachel!!! I need to put the list that's zooming around in my brain on paper so that the voices will be quiet....

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crossed Fangers here!!!

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the queen of organized just take a minute and take a slow deep breath... I haven't seen your house (yes I'm fully aware that is my fault) but if Chel thinks its great I'm sure it is! Wow this is so excitihg!! You will find the perfect job I just know it!

1:02 AM  

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