Sunday, March 09, 2008

Who, exactly, is Pablo?

This was a question posed to me in a comment from the last post, Noah vs. Pablo. I realized that everyone out there may not be acquainted with the wonderful Pablo.

Pablo is one of the characters on the Nick Jr. cartoon "The Backyardigans." Noah "discovered" them while at Mom & Dad's house, and he seemed transfixed by the moose (Tyrone), hippo (Tasha, complete with red Mary Jane shoes), kangaroo (Austin), Uniqua (pink with polka dots, and it's theorized that she's a ladybug, but we've also read that she's her own being--just as we all should be), and of course, the blue man himself, Pablo the penguin. With a propeller beanie.

For some reason, Noah is really drawn to Pablo--not sure if it's because his name is easier to say (comes out as "Pabbo") or if he has a thing for animated penguins. What WE like about the show is that the characters are nice, they figure things out on their own and they use their imaginations to transform their backyard into an adventure. The songs and dances are really cool, too. As a parent, I can listen to "Float, Flutter, Fly" or "W-I-O-WA" without wanting to poke my ears out. Can't say that for all of the kids' music out there...

Another neat feature about the songs is each episode features a different type of music. Even though Patrick and I are fairly adventurous in our musical tastes, I like the fact that Noah is exposed to more than just what we listen to. The "Flying Rock" episode is disco (still one of Noah's and my favorite episodes, and this may be my fault. I've always had a soft spot for disco, and may have predisposed Noah to it while in utero. Sorry, Noah.). The episode with "W-I-O-WA" (continuing to sing..."the corniest station, in the nation!") is Motown (and the funny thing about episode is that Tasha and Uniqua both have reporter hair. I doesn't sound so amusing, but trust me--it is!).

And, the most important thing about the Backyardigans is the look of utter delight that comes across my sweet boy's face when he hears the theme song...that look is enough to make a person not want to watch anything but The Backyardigans.

I have to thank Mom & Dad (aka Grandma & Grandpa) for not only finding The Backyardigans, but for noticing how delighted Noah was when he saw his gang on the TV screen. I still can't really get behind "Yo Gabba Gabba" or "The Higglytown Heroes" though. I've tried.

I can fully support the beanie-wearing, excitable blue penguin, though!

Long Live Pabbo!


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