Merry Christmas!
We had a really great Christmas; we were over at Mom & Dad's, and Noah opened up our present from us--a pair of red Converse high-top sneakers. Now, I know it may not seem like a lot, but we knew (from previous deliveries received from the elves in Knoxville) that Noah was going to make out like a bandit. So, we kept our present small, fun and something that we really would get a kick out of. Plus, the boy loves shoes--I think he gets it from both Mommy and Daddy, to be honest!
After we had our Christmas, we hopped over to our house (we were house & Shaka-sitting for Mom & Dad while they were spending the holiday with Mee Ma & Pee Pa), and Patrick's parents (Mimi & Papa) and sister (Aunt ???--we're not sure what he's going to call her; we've tried "Ray Ray," "Chul" and "Rachey" but nothing seems to be sticking, so we'll just wait & see. I'm sure Noah will have his own clever name for her in no time!) came over to watch Noah open up their presents to him.
And yes, Noah truly did have a spectacular Christmas--he received the world's largest wagon, a Spiderman sit-n-spin, two fridge phonics magnet sets (one with animals, one with letters--and I do think the letters are helping him! After we did the "T" and the "K," Noah repeated each sound. He's such a genius.), a ball pit (which we can hardly keep him out of!), a singing dog (he is completely enamored with this dog--he figured out right away how to turn it off & on, and is just fascinated with it), an Animal Baby subscription with matching plate and utensils (which, again, he's just completely fascinated with--he loves to try to feed himself, and does pretty well, but really loves banging the spoon & fork against the plate to make all sorts of fun noises), and I'm sure tons of other things that I'm just forgetting right now.
This is all in addition to the gifts he received when we had Christmas in Knoxville--an inchworm, a camo sweatsuit, a neat home-made stained glass panel with "Noah's Room" and Pablo (from The Backyardigans) on it, lots of fun toys & again--many other things that I'm probably overlooking, but all things wonderful and appreciated!
AND this is all in addition to the gifts he received from family friends--a baseball toy, a fun tub basketball toy, and a Backyardigans lunchbox!
We did our tradition of going to Hollywild on Christmas Eve; we drove through, saw the lights and decorations, chased deer, zebras and the elusive "Zonkey" (don't ask) as well as an emu or two through the "enchanted deer forest" (which at any other time of the year would simply be "deer pen" but I guess it becomes enchanted at Christmas time). Then we stopped off, got some cocoa and pretzels and walked around looking at the baby goats, the largest cow we've ever seen and llamas, more goats, buffalo, more goats, loose deer, and more goats. Noah wasn't too sure about the goats, but he did seem to like the other animals.
We had a great time, and I hope you enjoy the pictures--Patrick does have some great video of Noah opening presents, but it takes awhile to transfer the video and then takes time to format it, so he's been working on it, and I hope to have it posted here pretty soon. Our love to all!
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