Happy Birthday, Dad!

If I do say so myself, I think you've done a fantastic job--and I know that it wasn't easy, and I know that there are probably times that you wonder if you could have done something different, and I'm sure when Noah is older, I'll have plenty of times to reflect and wonder if I made the right choice. I think you made the absolute right choices--otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am right now.
And I can't think of any Dad who has been a better father, a better mentor, a better friend, than you have been to me. I know you always tell me that I'm special, but you are so, so special.
I miss you terribly, and know that you'll be back (hopefully soon!) and just am so thankful that you were able to make the sacrifices that you did to be able to come to Greenville and spend so much time with Noah. You helped us out so much, and it meant everything to have you here with us, to spend time with us and to get to know our little boy.
Noah is a lucky boy to have such a great Grandpa, and I know that I'm such a lucky woman to have such a great Dad.
Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you!
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