Sunday, June 29, 2008


Keep forgetting to tell y'all about the Tomato Incident!

To briefly fill everyone in, I'm growing tomatoes--a variety of regular 'maters, some Cherry tomatoes, and some Roma (or something resembling a Roma--I have the varieties' tags, I just can't remember them, and they aren't really necessary for this story, so I'll continue.). We were out in the yard with Noah, and he is pointing to all of my flowers & saying, "Flowers. Pretty! Pretty flowers" and as he's doing this, we try to prevent him from yanking everything hither & yon. The we get to the tomatoes, and he's really, really trying to get after them, so I pick a couple, and hold out my hand, showing him & saying "tomatoes!" He grabs one, and immediately bites into it, with the tomato juice & seeds running down his chin (it was one of the Cherry or Roma types) and says, "Mmmmmm...tomatoes!" and then eats the 2nd tomato, too!

Then recently, he goes right to the tomato plants, says, "Mmmmm...tomatoes!" and tries to eat a green one (notice I didn't say, "tried to pick a green one" because there was no trying about it--he saw what he wanted & went after it!)--luckily Patrick got the green tomato before Noah could eat it; otherwise, Noah may not have ever tried a tomato again! Now, if we cut it up & fried it, I'm sure he'd be all over it!

Also, the church down the street from us was holding a yard sale, so we wandered down. I saw a couple Big Wheels when I had gone by earlier that morning, and even though I knew that they were probably too big, we decided to walk down, just to see (plus, it was good to get out of the house & get some exercise!). And, sure 'nuff, the Big Wheels were too big, but there was a stuffed Elmo that Noah spotted pretty immediately, and since it only cost us $1, we figured we could swing it. Now, Elmo used to have a talking box that used to work, but since it doesn't work (and yes, I did try it with new batteries in it!), Mommy didn't see any reason to keep the talking box, so Elmo has a pouch that's convenient to carry OTHER things in, like small balls or his small stuffed Piglet. So, yes, I have gone to the Dark Side, have joined forces with the Devil--our son loves his stuffed Elmo and I just can't stand in the way of that.

Now, having said this, I promise to do great bodily harm to anyone who dares give Noah "Chicken Dance Elmo" or any other such noise-making Elmo.

Seriously--BODILY HARM.


Blogger RachieK said...

We were wondering how the Elmo made it into your home. Figured he saw it and would not leave without out. I guess it helps that it was only a dollar. That and it makes NO NOISE! Mom was hoping this meant it was on like Donkey Kong when it came to the Elmo buying. I'll make sure she reads this post!! I can't believe you don't like the chicken dance. Didn't you grow up with hockey, Alaska Girl?

11:24 PM  
Blogger Chauntelle said...

Not sure the connection between hockey & Elmo's Chicken Dance. Unless you mean that I'd body check that furry red beast right out of the house as soon as his wings start flapping...

And Janet--SERIOUSLY. No Elmos!!!! I don't know what it is about that red face, but he makes me want to be violent. Something tells me that's not what Sesame Street was going for!

12:40 PM  

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