Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Big Boy Bed!!!!

We've converted the crib into a toddler bed...and the boy can now wander freely.

It was hard; we talked about it this past weekend as we were readying the room--removing all that we could to make it Noah-proof (or as much as we could, anyway), and I just started to cry. I was also watching a silly show on TV ("Take Home Nanny") where they put their children in their "big boy beds" and I cried at that, too. So, I was prepared for waterworks when I put the rails on this afternoon... but nope. I was okay. And surprisingly, for his first nap, Noah did amazingly well--he got out of bed (as expected) but I only had to go into his room three times to put him back in his bed. The next time I checked on him (just barely cracking the door open, he was quietly running his blue blankie over his feet (keep in mind, this means he's on his back, with his legs straight out and up over his belly, rubbing the blankie over his feet) and then the next time I checked, he was zonked.

The next nap, we weren't so lucky. It got to be a game--he'd hear me open the door, I'd hear him laugh and run from his closet back to the bed. Not exactly what I want to reinforce, so I figured that it wasn't any use, he wasn't going to sleep, so we watched a "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." Or a "Dora." Or a "Diego." I dunno...they all start to run together.

So, for his bedtime tonight, I was a little anxious. We did our poems (currently Shel Silverstein), recited "Guess How Much I Love You?" and "Goodnight, Moon" while rocking him, as is our custom, but then we moved him to his bed, sat next to it and told him about his day and did our evening blessing. We kissed him, told him we loved him, wished him goodnight, and left the room.

Thump thump thump thump. Creeeeeak. rustlerustlerustle. Thump Thump Thump...

That's Noah, getting out of bed, running to the closet, opening it, tearing into the stacks of diapers we have in there, then running around his room. Earlier today, during the Nap That Wasn't, I noticed that the 5' tall Backyardigans sticky that was on his closet door just wasn't there. Had NO idea where it had gone to, but it just disappeared. And it wasn't like I hadn't been in the room a mere 5 minutes sooner! Later, I found it wadded up at the bottom of the closet, and there was carnage--poor Tasha has lost both of her arms, and a portion of her head; Uniqua only has one arm; and Pablo was pretty much decapitated. I pieced them back as best as I could, repositioned them a bit higher (yeah, like that'll do any good) and just hoping for the best. Now, I do have a second set of all his wall clings, since Lowe's had them on super-duper-get-rid-of-them-yesterday clearance, but I'm hesitant to put up the second set if he's not done ripping up the first set.

So, we go back in the room, put him back into bed...then we realize that this just isn't going to work, not for the first night, anyway. Patrick stays in the room until Noah settles down some, then we leave and let him cry a bit. We hear the crying taper off, and the next time Patrick checks on him, he's out like a sleeping baby.

The bad thing is, during one of his stints in his room, he opened his door. *Sigh* Now, the older doorknobs (like on the closet doors & the hall bath door) he's been able to open for a bit, but the larger knobs have been harder for him to get his fingers around & turn. Not anymore. So, I really don't know what we're going to do... Luckily I don't sleep very heavy anymore, so we'll hear him when he gets up (notice I don't say "if"...)--he's not known for his stealth.

Just wish us luck.

Also, we went to Paris Mountain State Park, even joined up to get the Park Pass, which lets up to 6 people per vehicle into any SC State Park for free. We like the park--they've got trails, picnic grounds, a playground; it's cooler when it's 400 degrees outside; they've got some mild trails that we can walk on; and it's super-close--so now we can go without having to pay the $4 access fee! I got some pictures of Patrick & Noah returning from their hike with the spoils that Noah found...all the while supporting the Braves (this is for you, Granny & Grandpa!).

The movie was taken during dinner one night, and the lighting is a bit low--sorry; not sure how to adjust it on the camera, but it's just Patrick & Noah being goofy, but Noah is really laughing, and I just LOVE to hear him laugh.


This was right after I put the toddler rails on. Look, Ma! No hands! Yeah, tell me that doesn't strike fear into your heart....

At least he's using the cushion to step down onto, and not vaulting over the rails...

Patrick & Noah, Paris Mountain.

Check out Noah's Pine Cone! He's telling us all about his adventure...

Examining the spoils... When he & I were walking on the trail, he'd stop to pick up every rock, look at me, and say, "Hold it?" and expect me to tote the 6 pounds of rocks. Which I did.

Hmmmm...maybe this is why we're having trouble with him standing on the table at home. Which he did do. Tonight. Scared the poop out of me.

I'm not sure what he's thinking, but it's probably along the lines of, "Hey, where did my 6 pounds of rocks go? I know I gave them to Mommy..."

Go Braves!


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