Sunday, June 05, 2005

It's Sunday Morning, and I Can't Sleep.

I try not to be anxious. I try not to worry. I've made a list, as had Patrick. (Only 42 things on his list, prioritized. I think he was slow at work on Friday.) We've crossed things off....we've painted door frames (2nd coat goes on today), touched up a bit in the kitchen. We ran out of paint & picked up some more. We took 3 pickup truck beds FULL of stuff to the storage unit. We ran out of boxes; I'll pick more up next week. We bought a new light fixture to replace the possessed one that we've got in our kitchen (it worked, then it didn't....took a look at it & looks like there was a short. Thought about just letting the new owners think it was a burned-out bulb, but I can't do that. I'm too honest. Thanks, Mom & Dad!)--that'll be up today. We've got new electrical outlets & cover plates ($.44 and $.24, respectively at WalMart! What a buy!) that we'll put in today. I'll clean up the cat vomit, courtesy of Smokey last night around 2am (probably one of the WORST noises to wake up to!), when Patrick wakes up....we'll steam clean the rest of the carpets maybe next week. So things are getting done. I just still can't sleep. I'm excited, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT worried about money, surprisingly. I've applied for 4-5 jobs in the past few days, and if none of those come through, I'll just go door-to-door until someone hires me.

I think this is just the new beginning that we've been waiting for, hoping for, praying for, for so long now (over 2 years!), and it's finally here, and I want it to be here NOW. Sort of like when you're a kid at Christmas, and you want that Barbie Dream House, the one with the escalator that you pull Barbie up via a string (that inevitably breaks, but that's okay, because she never really glided up the escalator...more of a jerky pull that usually caused her to fall over, sustaining massive head trauma. Maybe that's where my love of forensics began.). You're pretty sure that you've been start going through a mental catalog of all the times you didn't clean your room, or gave a smart response, and wonder if Santa will hold THAT PARTICULAR transgression against you, keeping your Barbie Dream House from you because you were THAT BAD. And you can't sleep, because you KNOW that you want that Dream House so badly, you just know how great it would be....but you also know that you CAN'T PEEK, and you can't wake up until 5am, and the time just seems to go so slowly......

But somehow, you wake up, and it's 5am (or close enough anyway), and you run out into the living room, and there it is: in all it's pink plastic glory. Your dreams realized. You got the Barbie Dream House, the one with the escalator and everything.

(Thanks, Mom & Dad--that's still one of the best toys I ever received.)


Blogger RachieK said...

Sis, you had me laughing so hard, I had tears!

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey little daughter-in-law, I understand the stress and the worry, BUT, you are an awesome person with a great background. I believe that you've not found a job yet because there is not a final decision about where Patrick will go when his training is completed and if you get something now, it might be something you'll have to leave. When the time is right, it will be there!!! In the words of my father, who knows everything, "Anyone who hires Chauntelle will thank their lucky stars! That girl can do anything!" So, if Poppy says it, it must be so!!! And he's right.

And knowing you as I do, you will get that house in great shape ( looked really good to me 2 weeks ago!) and things will look perfect. I know how you are when you decide something! You'll get everything done!!!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Chauntelle said...

At least I had someone besides me in tears!

Hey, Rachel: "keyring."

9:59 PM  
Blogger RachieK said...

Oh Sissy!!! I hate to think of you crying!!! I know it's easy for us to tell you not to get overwhelmed, to just take things as they come. I'll just say, that in my 31 years on this planet, I have never met anyone as capable as you at getting things done and done to perfection. I mean Kala and Mom rank up there with you, but you are a freakin' mastermind!!! I am in awe of what you can accomplish!!

10:22 PM  

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