Happy New Year!
Well, it's 2006. Lots happened in 2005: We up & moved to a city that we love; and we've started a family. Sorta sounds like we got some Sea Monkeys, doesn't it? "Insta-family: Just add water, the ingredients of the magic packet, place in a sunny spot, and soon you'll have your very own family!" But it's true--we're expecting our little Bean to arrive sometime around June 21, 2006. Right now, it still doesn't seem real, and June seems SO far off...but I know it'll be here before we know it!
On our last doctor visit, we heard the Bean's heartbeat--170. I know it sounds a bit fast, but the nurse seemed very happy. Our next doctor visit is on January 18, and we get another ultrasound. I think we get to tape it, too--we'll try to hit some of my techies at work up to use their fancy computers and see if we can't get the VHS tape converted to DVD...since we don't have a VCR anymore. Plus, we could burn it & distribute to all who want to see it. Maybe not as exciting as last season of "Deadwood" but we're pretty stoked about it.
We do NOT want to know the sex of the baby; so here's a word of warning to everyone: If you see the ultrasound (whether via video or picture), if you see me carrying high/low, if you see excess hair/less hair (I don't know either, but that's supposed to be one of the signs of boy vs. girl. No, I don't know who comes up with these things!)--we don't want to know!!!!
I've started taking pictures to document the growth of my tummy (or my "pooch" as I like to call it...since you can really start to tell now that I'm most likely pregnant, not just bulking up for the winter!); I started taking the pictures at Week 12, and since Week 16 is coming up this Wed., I figured I'd better post the Week 12 photos now. I figure I'll do monthly picture updates. I promise the pictures won't show anything that my parents & grandparents would not want to see....
Enjoy the pictures, and Happy New Year to everyone!!! Thank you to all family and friends that made 2005 so fantastic, continue to shower us with love, and know that the next year will only bring greater joy to all of our lives!

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