20 Weeks!
Today marks the beginning of Week # 20....which means we're 1/2 way through the pregnancy!!!
I still haven't felt Bean moving, but from what I understand, the movement can be confused with gas bubbles. So I may be feeling something, it's just not what I think it is. Or it is. Anyway...
I'm posting my 20 week front & side photos...I think I'm getting to the point where people look at me and think "baby" not "putting on her winter weight."
So far, I'm still feeling great; still the stuffy nose, and still a bit tired - which I'm theorizing is based on the stuffy nose...hard to get a really good night's sleep when you're breathing out of one good nostril...and that's if you have the Amazing Steaminator plugged in. Then you have the joy of trying to sleep in the gentle green glow of the Steaminator's light...it's for safety, but I think it's for my annoyance. But I digress--the stuffy nose is really the only side-effect that I've had that's caused me any sort of discomfort, so I'm considering myself really lucky.
I've been told I'm "carrying high," which is funny, since I thought there was only so much room in the body cavity with which to accomodate a growing fetus. However, if the Bean truly is sitting high, that would explain my quick-to-experience-heartburn-edness that I've recently noticed. I think it's because the Bean, sitting so high, has pushed my stomach (and therefore the acids that cause heartburn) up into the middle of my esophagus. I'm not kidding...I know that as you get older, you get heartburn more easily and can't eat all the same kinds of foods without your trusty friends Tums & Rolaids, but if I so much as LOOK at anything remotely spicy (like, say, a cheeseburger plain), I'm chewing Tums like I've had a bowl of 10 alarm chili!!!
Now ask me if that's stopped me from consuming exactly what I want....that's right--it hasn't. I just pop another Tums (after all, they have calcium, and that's good for a growing Bean). But don't y'all worry none...I'm still eating good foods. I have a spinach salad nearly every day (with Italian dressing...yeah, that's good for the heartburn); I drink lots of milk & OJ (again, OJ is great for soothing heartburn; and I'm taking my prenatal vitamins (I do take them at night, so I'm not aware if they cause heartburn or not. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.). I make sure that I am balancing my "fun" foods with good ones....I'm drinking lots of water, and the doctor seems pleased with my progress, so I guess I'm doing okay.
Speaking of, our next doctor visit is February 13--in the afternoon. Even though it's not going to be a "major" visit--i.e., no ultrasounds--I made the appointment in the afternoon. I'm done with the morning people over at the doctor's office!
Patrick may not be able to make it, and we're both a little bummed about it, but there's not much that can be done. IDG wants Patrick to train a site manager in Florence that week, and I think it's a big deal that Patrick is being asked to train a site manager (considering that I think Patrick is still considered a "trainee" himself)--Patrick thinks that it's just because he's a warm body that's available, but I know better. They wouldn't have him train someone to run a site if they didn't think that Patrick was very good at what he's learned so far (and no, I'm not exactly sure what all he's learned) and that he would be a good trainer. Of course, they're right on both counts...he's a bright boy, my Patrick. So, he'll miss this one appointment, but I think the Bean & I will be okay.
He is back in Cleveland today & tomorrow, and will come back to us on Friday. Soon thereafter, we're hoping that he'll be able to move into the non-stock buyer position that should be opening up at the Honeywell plant in Greer (important note: 10 minutes from the apartment).
Keep yer fingers crossed, and enjoy the pictures!

Ok I totally squealed like a little girl when I saw the pics!! You look great and little Bean looks to be growing quite nicely can wait to touch the Bean!! You will eventually know for sure if Bean is moving and at that point you will want Bean to settle down!!
Love the pics! You & baby bean look great!! Can't wait to see you guys in person!
So precious!!! You look wonderful! Maybe I could get some of those prenatal vitamins!!!
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