Happy Halloween!
Okay, so it's officially November, and Halloween is over. Wow. November is here. Let Chauntellabration begin! See, Chauntellabration begins as soon as Patrickmas is over, and comes before NoahFest.
I won't keep you long, since I know that you're mainly here for the pictures, and just quickly scan the text to see if there's anything new and/or exciting that you should know about. So here goes:
1. Had a blast handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters in Mom & Dad's neighborhood. Patrick came over, and he, Noah and I walked around to see all the decorations (no collection of candy, though--that'll be next year!), and there were some pretty amazing displays. Enjoyed hanging out with Dad and our little monkey (Patrick went home to do some studying before Dad, Noah & I called it a night.).
2. Realized that apparently we had SOME trick-or-treaters, or just one really greedy t-or-t'er, since the bowl that I'd set out on the porch was empty sometime after Patrick got home & before I got home. I did find one lone lollipop in the bushes next to the stairs this afternoon.
3. We decided to change cell phone plans, and now we both have phones (mine is the same number) and we're keeping the landline for basic emergency use, so feel free to give us a call on either cell--we'll let you know what Patrick's is via e-mail (here's something cool, though--the last 4 digits spell NOAH. I was able to pick the number!). We switched to Alltel, so we got to choose the 10 numbers we'd be talking to the most frequently, so all calls to/from those numbers are free. They can be landline or other cell carriers--we thought that was pretty cool. Also, we've been having fun playing with phones that are more up-to-date, and have such things as cameras in the phones.
4. Noah was the cutest monkey EVER.
Enjoy the pics! Our love to all!
(Okay, so this isn't a Halloween shot, but we really had fun playing with Noah's hair and got it all spiky & curly and this picture made us laugh.)
r74He is officially the cutest monkey I've ever seen. I'd love to have one of those!!! So what kind of phones did you get? So what. I'm a phone geek.
I stuck with LG (that was my last one, and I was able to use it fairly well), and my biggest decision-making factor in the type of phone was: 1) it was cheap, and 2) it was pink. :) For Patrick (since he let me pick out his), I got a Samsung SCH-u420. Again, it was cheap, and thought he'd like it due to the nifty slide feature. His phone really is much cooler than mine; you can set the typeface (see, Patrick--not "font" but "typeface") for the numbers that show up on the screen (I guess they're called "dialed numbers" or somesuch) to look like post-it notes, and other non-useful things like that. But it's not pink.
They both have camera & sound capability--but to put them together you have to take a picture, then record the sound, then put them together. So it's not like a movie, per se, but it's really neat.
Plus, did I mention that mine is pink?
I couldn't have my ring tone ("Aqua Teen Hunger Force theme)--or I should say, I don't KNOW if that's available, because we're still learning how to navigate the menus and apparently we're not able to download from the website. Not sure why. That was a bit disappointing, but I got over it quickly, as I was able to use the theme from "Bewitched." :) Patrick has Spoon as his ring, not sure what the song is. AND we both took advantage of Alltel's "ringback" feature, which allows people to hear a song rather than rings. He's got The Shins ("Phantom Limb") and I've got The Decemberists ("O Valencia").
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