Friday, July 13, 2007

Uh, Who, Me????

I really can't believe that Noah is 13 1/2 months old. He's getting so big. And heavy. I think he weighed around 22 lbs when we were in Knoxville last weekend (or was it the weekend before? I lose track of time...) using the very scientific method of jumping on the scale, getting Noah & subtracting the two weights. I think he weighs more than that, though, I really do. When I carry him now I have to do the "Baby Switching Arms Boogie" which entails moving him from right to left and back again repeatedly. He thinks it's LOTS of fun.

He's also so tall...again, not sure exactly HOW tall, since he gets all squirmy when we try to measure him, but when he's "walking" holding on to my hands, I really don't have to bend over much. Yes, I know I'm short, but I still think he's pretty tall to be able to hold my hands (with his arms up, of course; I'm not that short) and I don't need to bend over.

The cat is still his favorite thing. In fact, right now, I'm trying to get him to take his nap, and sometimes when he has trouble falling asleep, I'll leave his bedroom door open so that he can hear that I'm not having lots of fun, there's nothing going on, and he usually falls asleep. So his door is open, and Mouse, being a cat, has to see what's in the room. As soon as she walks into Noah's room, he SCREAMS with delight that Mouse has paid him a visit. You'd think she'd want nothing to do with the small, loud creature that has displaced her, but then again--she's a cat, and logic really doesn't enter in to her thinking.

Okay, I'm going to tell a quick story, and hopefully y'all will find this funny, and not gross and call Childrens' Services on us:

Noah has been eating more people food and less baby food. In fact, he's pretty much refusing to eat anything that we have to spoon in his mouth (except for yogurt--he's all about the yogurt). So, we've been giving him what we're eating for the most part (yes, even BBQ, and he does really like it. He's such his Daddy's Boy!). I think that his little tummy has been taking awhile to get used to it, because he's been a little constipated lately. He's normally a 2-pooper kind of guy (once in the morning after he's eaten his breakfast, and usually one more after his afternoon nap. Hey, as a Mom you start taking note of these things, and really worry when your kid doesn't poop. I wonder if my Mom still worries about whether or not I've pooped during the day, and if not--when did that stop? Will I still want to know when teenage Noah poops?). Well, yesterday he didn't poop. So, I started pushing the fresh fruit we have, giving him juice that's pretty watered down, trying to get him to eat some processed foods, see if that gets things going. Nothing.

This morning, we hadn't heard him, and it was close to 7:30 a.m. (normally we hear him around 6:45-7:00 a.m.). Patrick goes in to check on him, and I hear some rustling in the room, and then Patrick comes out, holding a nekkid Noah arms' length from him, informing me that 1) it's very interesting what happens when your child poops A LOT during the night and then decides to remove his diaper, and 2) we don't have to worry about Noah being constipated anymore.

The poop was EVERYWHERE. And Noah smelled. Really, really smelled. So, I took the nekkid baby and put him in the bath while Patrick proceeded to strip every piece of fabric from Noah's room. I even had to wipe down the crib (I kept going in the room, smelling that smell, sniffing the bumpers, everything, and then the light hit the crib just right & I noticed the smears. The poop was everywhere. Did I say that already? Well, it bears repeating.

He's cleaned up now, his bed has been scrubbed & disinfected, and his linens and bed toys have all been through the wash cycle. He hasn't pooped since, so I'm a little worried about tomorrow morning.

And for a quick note that isn't about Noah, I am now an Accredited Staging Professional--I took a 2-day course and learned about & how to stage homes to sell faster and for more money. I took the course for Realtors, and they did focus on how to use this as a marketing tool, so hopefully that'll help with not only my current listings, but also in getting new ones.

We're going to the lake tomorrow with a good friend of mine & her family. They have an RV and a spot at a campsite and they go pretty much every weekend, and we're joining them for tomorrow. We'll have hot dogs, I'll take an angel food cake & strawberries; we may play putt-putt and there will probably be swimming involved, so we'll take Noah's swimmer diapers. We're looking forward to it, and I'm anxious to see Noah's reaction to a real swimming pool!

Enjoy the pictures!

Noah & Patrick at Caesar's Head a few weekends ago.

Noah demonstrating just how much food he can get in his mouth. It really is amazing.

See how tall he is???

I really hope this isn't foreshadowing...


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