Thursday, March 27, 2008

George and Renee

The premiere of "Leatherheads" was last night (not the big Hollywood Premiere, but the local premiere) and to promote the movie, George Clooney & Renee Zellweger are doing a whistle-stop tour, and they stopped in Greenville. They showed up as surprise guests at the premiere, and today they were downtown in front of the Westin Poinsett getting keys to the city.

So, Noah and I trucked downtown (well, I trucked...he just sort of rode) to get a glimpse of the stars. There were more people than I hoped for, but less than I was fearing, so I guess that's good. Lots of people were carrying chairs when they left, so I have no idea what time people started lining up. We got there with about 10 minutes to spare and were a ways back:

But, I could see the podium, and with my arms as high as they could go & the camera on zoom, I managed to catch this picture (cropped, but otherwise untouched!):

They both said some things, which I'm sure had something to do with how great the city is, how friendly the people are, blah blah blah. All I heard was "mumble mumble mumble" and "What's he saying?" and "HEY! FIX THE MIC!" I guess they were having some audio issues. After speaking, George made the rounds & the first few rows behind the barricade got great pictures & autographs. I, however, was more in the 20th row behind the barricade! I did SEE his autograph, though--a little girl walked through the crowd carrying it, but she showed it to someone, so I can say that I've SEEN George's autograph. That counts for something, right????

He seemed very nice & decent, lots of smiling, and when a football was tossed to him, I think I saw him sign it & toss it back. Hopefully it got back to its rightful owner.

Here are a couple more snaps of George, and, so that I don't disappoint Noah's adoring public, one that I took of him today.



Blogger RachieK said...

Well he is a very nice looking man. I'm not sure i could have asked for his autograph without sounding like a blathering idiot. Noah's picture still makes me happier, though!

10:53 AM  

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