Monday, March 02, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

We had a pretty good bit of snow yesterday. It started around 5 or so, and pretty much kept going for a few hours. Stopped, then started up again around midnight. I'd say we got close to 3 inches. Everything looks so pretty after a snow. I know that this amount is considered a sprinkling in some areas, but for here, it's pretty amazing. There were more than 700 closings around the city & county--just about every place is closed or were on a 2 hour delay. Luckily, there's not any place that we need to be today, and I can do everything I need to do from home, as long as the internet connection holds out!

I just love snow--maybe not the technicalities of it (shoveling, ice, etc.), but there's something about waking up in the morning, and seeing that particular light shining around the curtains, the kind of light that you only get when there's snow on the ground. I love how it makes everything hushed, and clean and crisp. I love the sound of it crunching under your boots, and the way trees look like sculptures. I love when it snows big flakes (as it did last night), and just before the flakes melt on your hand you can see the intricacies that make each flake different.

I do NOT like cold feet, however.

So, I pretty much used the memory card all up last night & this morning taking lots of pictures, and tried to pick out some good ones for y'all to enjoy. Oh, I'm also posting Noah's early driving photos, too.


This is Noah, sitting on his new ride.

Noah taking Hippo (pronounced HEEpo) for a ride. Note the bungee cord ingenuity.

LOVE this picture!!!!! He can't quite reach the pedals to make a full rotation, but he's almost there...he's figured out, too, if he puts the Big Wheel on a hill, he can zoom down!

Getting some last minute driving instruction from Daddy, I think.

Get yer motor runnin'....head out on the highway....lookin' for adventure...

The snow last night, probably around 7 or so...about an hour after it had started snowing. Note the big flakes and the accumulation on the railings & car.

Noah's first snowball! Actually, iceball, since it was a very wet snow.

Okay, so the pics are a little out of order. This is when it first started snowing--the white patch is where a tree used to be, so the snow showed up there, what with the contrast and lack of vegetation.

Okay, another random picture. Noah was pretending to be a CD player. I don't advise you try this at home, boys. (Look very closely at where the movie is attached...)

Another shot of him & Hippo, going for a ride.

Noah and Patrick, playing in the snow. About 2 hours after this, you couldn't see where their footprints had been on the back deck.

Looking at the snow falling.

Lots & lots of snow!

I think it's just the camera angle, but I like how it looks like a big flake landed on his nose.

Playing on the deck...

This morning...
This morning.... Those plants to the right of the frame are usually standing up so high that it's impossible to see the house behind them.

Note the accumulation on the railings, and you can sorta tell there are cars back there...

This was last night, around midnight. I love how the flash hits on the snowflakes.


Blogger RachieK said...

Dang! That's quite a bit of snow! I'm so glad you guys finally got some, though. I love the pictures. Especially the one where Noah is looking at the snow with such wonder!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun! We got about 7 inches this weekend! I was wondering if you'd get some too after hearing the news. Love Noah on the Big Wheel and that he's already wanting to accept passengers. Oh, and that the passenger has a seatbelt. Very cool. :)

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops..that last post was from Kristina.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Chauntelle said...

I had read in the news that Bemis (just north of Finger in West TN) got 13 inches of snow... Figures. We move, they get snow. *Sigh* But then again, I like here better. :)

10:09 PM  
Blogger Chauntelle said...

Oh, and Kristina, I guess you can see the pics now? Wonder what it was...or was it the movies you couldn't see? My brain is gone, gone, gone...

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't see the movies. :( I'll try on my computer at home. Maybe it's just something with my work computer.


12:58 PM  

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