Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas time's a-comin', Christmas time's a-comin'...

Well, I think we're just about ready for Christmas! We've started cleaning the house, getting ready for the New Year (Patrick, thank you again for cleaning the fridge...seriously--he CLEANED it, took the shelves out & everything. That's one of my blind spots, I'm afraid. I put leftovers in the fridge, promptly forget about them, and then Patrick is left to deal with the furry masses left behind. And the condiments that are 2 years old. So sweetie, thank you so much!!! It looks fabulous. To those who are going to be visiting, be sure to look inside & give props to Patrick.).... We finished putting the lights up...well, I say "finished" but we still have some flashing icicle lights that have no home. I think this is the first year that we're using every single one of our 11 strands of lights. Or something like that. Seriously. We love our lights. AND we got a new strand this year--globe LED icicle lights that has patterns that will knock your socks off. Very mesmerizing... Every time we put up a new strand, Noah's face just lights up, and he says, "oooohhhhh!" and claps, so you know, we go put up more lights just to get that reaction. I can't WAIT for Christmas this's all because of Noah. This is the first year that he really is paying attention to lights, the inflatables, the presents that are WAY too big for us to hide and we've been WAY too lazy to put into the Man Shed... Last night we went out driving to look at lights, and saw some nice displays, one of which rivals the trailers that used to be opposite Pellissippi. Seriously. MAJOR attraction. I think they're trying to be the Hollywild of Greer. We shall make that a destination for everyone visiting! It does not disappoint. Unless you're expecting tasteful decor, and then, well, I guess you'd be disappointed. I, however, think that the more lights you have, the closer to God. And I also think that God likes colored, random flashing lights, too. And Frosty witnessing the birth of Jesus. God REALLY likes that.

We even bought Noah his own stocking...he had one, but it was "Baby's First Christmas" and he's getting to be a big boy now, so we had to get him a more appropriate stocking. At least until he's older and wants to pick out his own stocking...

I just hope that everyone out there has time to relax for just a minute, sit down, look at their own colored, flashing lights, and just enjoy the season.

We were playing with our new, fantabulous webcam & took some pictures with some of the "special effects."


Noah in a Winter Wonderland...and my forearm to ruin the fantasy. He LOVES watching himself on the computer screen!!!!

This was a very close runner-up to the Christmas Photo we actually chose (and should be on its way to everyone!).


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