Thursday, February 12, 2009

Every day I say I'll be better about posting...

Patrick was telling me about something he read, where a woman was keeping a 1-sentence journal--every day she would write a sentence (or two, but the minimum was 1 sentence) about what her child did that day or something funny that was said. I thought that was an amazing idea, and immediately set out to do the same. Yeah, that was about 1 1/2 weeks ago.

I try, I really, really do. I love to look back on my old posts, see what's happened--when we were leaving Jackson, when we were expecting the Bean, the Christmases, Birthdays, other celebrations since then. I love that I have our lives documented, commented on & pictured. My main fear if I don't continue to blog regularly is that I'll forget some of the funny things Noah said or did... I do have a baby book, and I began diligently recording all the milestones...until about month #2, then I think life just took over. I'd try to go back--gathering the doctor's office cards detailing how long Noah was, how much he weighed, and would put that information in, but then it all would get fuzzy--"When did he get his first tooth?" (I do remember that whichever tooth he DID get in first, by all the baby books, it should have been the last one to come in. No surprise, our boy doing it his own way...) I think, miracle of miracles, we actually have his first step on video, but some of the other stuff just escapes me. And I feel bad--I feel that, as his Mommy, it's my duty to record this information to pass down to him when he's expecting a child, or when that child is born to be able to say, "Oh, here it is, in your baby book: your first word was "Kitty" when you were 7 1/2 months old, and you were wearing your Teddy Bear t-shirt with green socks." Yeah, well, future Noah, you'll just have to be satisfied that your first word was, indeed, 'Kitty' and I don't remember what you were wearing or how old you were, exactly--I know it was between the ages of birth and two.

And, dear Readers, do you remember how excited I was about the new camera? The fact that it takes excellent video? Well, it does, however--it takes movies in .mov format (QuickTime) and for some reason, in HUGE files. I can't figure out how to adjust it, but it pretty much takes overnight for files to upload to YouTube, and forget uploading directly to the blog. So, I've had to create workarounds, which eventually get me where I want to go but not without a lot of frustration & headache. Now, I think the easiest thing to do would be to just shell out the money to upgrade to QuickTime Pro, where I can change the format that would be easier to upload, but I'm cheap and like to try to do things the hard way. But, here are a few videos, and hopefully there aren't too many boring parts you have to sit through to get to the good stuff!

And see, I wait so long between blogs that I forget all the good stuff that I wanted to tell you--the latest cute phrase Noah is saying, or what amazing thing he did the other day, or how big he's getting... He's started galloping (not quite skipping, but what you'd do if you were pretending to be a horse); he loves the song "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (Not Was), and will sing "Boom ackalacka Boom" which I think is the cutest thing ever. He'll try to turn the TV channels, which just results in the static pattern...okay, so that's not really cute, more of an annoyance. He's been calling me Daisy Duck, Dora and Piglet--and Patrick is the corresponding Goofy, Boots and Tigger, with Noah being Mickey (or Minnie), Diego and Pooh. He'll say, "What's wrong Mama ----" (insert "dinosaur," "lizard," "hippo," or any other item--animate or non--that catches his eye, and you're supposed to say, "Nothing, Baby ----" and say whatever item he's called you. This can go on for a long, long, long, long time.

We went to Target the other night & purchased a Dinosaur "Tickle Tunnel"--basically a fabric pop-open tunnel with "feet" on the side and a detachable dinosaur face that he fact, tonight I climbed in one side and Noah thought that it was the coolest thing ever. Until we bumped heads. Then he proceeded to tell me that "Noah has an owie on his head and Mommy has an owie on her head and you wanna kiss it make it better? Okay." Then I asked him if he wanted to kiss Mommy's owie, to which he leaned his head forward a little and made a little smacking noise to show me that yes, indeed, he was kissing it and making it better.

He's really enjoying school, and we've signed him up for a 4-day week (adding a day), and most days I drop him off & he just runs into the classroom, and when I go to kiss him & tell him goodbye, he just sort of looks exasperated, as if he wants to say, "Yeah, yeah, will you leave so I can have fun???" Sort of bittersweet for Mommy--I'm so glad that he enjoys it, and am glad that he's not crying, clinging to me for dear life. But then, I am sort of sad that he's NOT clinging to me, and crying and not wanting me to leave.

Something tells me it only gets harder from here.

I'll try to post some actual pictures soon, but until then, I hope these videos will tide you over.


(Noah and Daddy playing Pac Man...or "Fat Man" as Noah likes to call it. And, to clarify, Daddy is trying to PLAY Pac Man, and Noah is enjoying hitting the reset button.)


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