Wednesday, November 19, 2008

All things Noah!

Well, I think Noah's room is finally done. Only took 2 1/2 years, but hey... The only discernible theme that I can see is BackyardigansRocketshipSpaceMonkey--we've yet to really put the Backyardigans on his walls (I moved them to the doors when painting the walls) because he's gotten to the age where he can reach them easily (and if not, he'll drag the footstool over & use that to boost himself up) and then carnage ensues. When Lowe's had these decals on super clearance, I picked up an extra set, but am hesitant to use the 2nd set--maybe waiting until he's beyond the "let's see what happens when we pull on Pablo's head---oh, it rips off! Cool! Let's see what happens when we pull on Uniqua's arm--oh, it rips off! Cool!" stage. Then again, he is a boy, so he may NEVER get beyond that!

His room is painted a nice yellow--I think it's called "Safe Harbor" which I liked, and it's the kind without any VOCs--so no odor, no headache, good for the environment! (Of course, I kind of negated the whole "good for the environment" when I just tossed my used paint rollers....) I'd already painted one shelf red, and the fan blades red, blue, yellow & green--so you've got the cheerful primary colors going on. Then on one wall, under the chair rail moulding, we did a blackboard! We were trying for the magnetic blackboard, but I was on my 5th or 6th coat of magnetic paint & it just wasn't working... The instructions on the outside of the box didn't specify that you should have it professionally shaken--it's in a small pint-size can (though it weighs about 10 lbs due to, I guess, the metal shavings in it to make it magnetic), so it's not something that I thought about. Then you get it home, and read, and then it's "well, do I just stir the heck out of it & hope for the best, or do I put on my "outside" clothes--as opposed to the pink sweats & sweatshirt paint uniform I'd donned--and go BACK to the store & say, "Here, shake this?" And had I done the latter, would it have worked better? No way to tell. I take comfort in the various boards out there where people who'd had it professionally shaken AND not having the same issue I did--that it just wasn't that magnetic. So, we had a heck of a primer base for the blackboard paint! I did about 3 coats of that, which was hard to tell where I'd done, since it's black & the magnetic primer is black... But, I think we got it pretty well covered.

I found a nifty stuffed animal holder in the shape of a rocket, so that's hanging up in his room; we found a light-up moon that will go through the various phases (crescent, 1/4, 1/2, nearly full & full) that adds a nice ambience at night (and very appropos for when we're reading "Goodnight, Moon"). We bought a 12-bin organizer that holds nearly all of his toys, and then we've moved all of his books onto his bookshelf. Surprisingly, I don't think the room looks TOO cluttered! He's got his alphabet mat on the floor, so that gives him a cushioned place to sit & play, and he seems to really enjoy playing in his room.

As for some of the other pictures, it's just Noah being Noah...


From the back wall, looking diagonally to his closet...

From the position I was just looking at, with my back to the closet looking diagonally...

Standing at the door to his room, looking diagonally... (Not sure why the picture is slanted...)

I think this was taken after he started eating his pure sugar, Peep-like Pooh Bear lollipop! was this one!

With the aforementioned lollipop...

Love those big blue eyes!

Such a happy boy!

Noah & I painting a horse... This was at Hagood Mill this past Saturday--they had Native American dancing (well, they were supposed to...we heard singing, but didn't see much dancing, but Noah had fun anyway!). At first he wasn't sure he wanted to do it, so I had to have my hand slathered with yellow paint, too, and we did it together--which made for a great memory!

Noah and I stepping back to admire our handiwork.... Yes, the pun is intentional. Not good, but intentional! (Ours are the yellow hands.)

After doing it once, Noah wanted to continue painting the horse!

In his Mickey Mouse poncho has sound that, so far, hasn't stopped working after washing! This was the best $13 we've spent for him, I think! He LOVES it--he even refused to take it off for church this past Sunday! We figured God would understand and get a kick out of it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:25 AM  
Blogger RachieK said...

If I had a Mickey Mouse towel poncho, I wouldn't take it off either!

9:17 AM  

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