Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I think I'm getting old...

I'm watching TV tonight, as Patrick is in Clemson, working the 2nd shift (but only until the end of August!), and I've got a lot of time to think about stuff.

I'm not sure when it happened...it sorta snuck up on me. I'm getting old. Not that I feel crotchety, or anything like that (though I'm sure some people would argue on the "crotchety" part), but just advancing in age, and I'm not sure when that started happening.

I'm sitting on our sofa, petting Mouse in all her furriness, content with the world and my place in it, when I hear AC/DC's "Back in Black." Well, anyone who really knows me knows that I'm a fan of AC/DC, so I look up to see what's on TV that is using "Back in Black" as a jingle. It's a Cingular commercial for the Motorola Razr phone. A phone. Correct me if I'm wrong but cell phones aren't usually known for being "metal." People don't throw up devil horn signs at the thought of Cingular Wireless (you know the sign--you stick your index & pinky finger out, curling the middle & 4th fingers to the palm, held in place with your thumb).

This brings to mind a few other things that I've noticed lately. Led Zeppelin is being used to peddle Cadillacs. Now, I really don't want to offend anyone, but I never thought, as a young person, that Cadillacs were particularly cool. They were a nice car, but more for, well, my grandparent's generation, not mine. But I like Led Zeppelin. A lot. I grew up listening to them...which means that, if I'm drawing a pleasant association to Led Zeppelin and like the music, Cadillac is marketing to me. Not to my grandparents. To me.

I've also witnessed MC Hammer hawking Investment and Life Planning--although for him, that sorta makes sense, as he hit big, had a lot of money, then lost it about 16 minutes later. So I can see that, but still--the music ("U Can't Touch This" and all the big pants glory that came with the song) is from my generation. Which means that these stodgy, uptight bankers are talking to me, telling me that I need to plan for the future. Which is something that I expect other people--older people--to need to worry about. Not me...I'm young. Right?

Sir Mix-A-Lot is selling backpacks for Target. I like Target. I like Sir Mix-A-Lot. I like the fact that baby's got back and no, I cannot lie. But the song (though changed to "backpacks" not "back") is being marketed to sell children's backpacks for back-to-school. There's a part of me that thinks that it's sorta wrong to use a song that praised a woman's ample heinie to sell backpacks to kids. But again--the song is very much from my generation. And now it's used to get parents to buy their kids backpacks...which means that I'm the parent, buying my child a backpack.

Wait a minute!!!! If I'm supposed to be parent-aged, that means I'm old! Do you remember how old your parents seemed when they were buying your school supplies??? That's me! I'm that age. Of course, now my parents don't seem old at all....I'm very lucky--I have parents that do not look their age (no, Mom, I won't tell....and I'm not sucking up, either.), and are still very active, and still very vibrant and full of live & adventure (my parents are talking about getting motorcycles. Maybe I can convince them to go to a rally & get tattoos.). My Mee Ma & Pee Pa, too, have never acted their age or seemed "old", so it's not like I draw negative connotations about getting up there in years.

It's just sort of snuck up & surprised me, that's all.

However, if I ever see Metallica plugging Metamucil, I'm outta here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe me child, I can relate!!! I have no idea when I got so old, but what really blows my mind is that I now have a child approaching his mid-thirties...mid-thirties for goodness sake!!!! How did that happen?? So that means I am REALLY old!

Another thing that I "think" I may sometimes see (although I'm so old that I don't even see well anymore either) all my children looking over my head winking at each other when I'm telling a tale!!! That's what we do old people!!!!! When did that happen?? When did I stop being cool???

Freakes me out!

11:26 AM  
Blogger RachieK said...

You are still cool Mommy!!!!

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you think so, but if I catch you rolling your eyes at me, it's on!!! ;-)

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Mo' says: Hey bug! Who says you ain't cool? I'll smack 'em down! That's right, I said it, I'll smack 'em down. Hey I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up! Actually, I refuse to grow up, doesn't sound like any fun to me!! Being young is only a state of mind and heart. Youth is wasted on the young; that's what I live by and it works for me, has for years. As long as you remember where home is, work is and what everyone's name is, you're doing ok! love all you guys, whoever you are!!

9:54 AM  

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