Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sorry it's been awhile....

I know that I've been lax in my postings--to all of my fans, I apologize. I wish I had some good reason for the lack of news. It's just that nothing's really happened.

We've just been kicking back, enjoying what Greenville has to offer (mainly in the way of food...I REALLY need to get back to the Y!).

I've cleaned out my closet & gave a bunch of stuff to Goodwill (even some shoes, and for those of you who know me & my love of shoes...this is big news. Well, maybe not big news. Okay, just a tidbit of information that will be of no relevance whatsoever.).

Had a GREAT visit with Mom & Dad--didn't really do much. We just kicked around Greenville; went to Connemara in Flat Rock, NC & petted some stinky goats; watched MXC & laughed until we just about peed our pants. I've really enjoyed seeing Mom & Dad as much as I have these last few months. Hopefully their house will sell soon, and they can be even closer.

And on that note, I hope OUR house sells soon. Still no word from our realtor as far as if anyone has even looked at the house. Everyone, just think positive thoughts. It's a good little house, in a nice area, and I'm sure it will make a very nice place to live for someone. We just need that someone to see the house. It would be nice to have it sold by the end of the year, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen. We're still trying to figure out a way that we can go back, what with me not having any vacation time...I'm sure it'll all work out. Or, we can draw straws to see who flies back & who stays here.

We did have fun this past week--Patrick had read about an arcade where they have miniature golf, go-karts, & food on a stick, so we went on Tuesday night. We played miniature golf (Patrick 1 stroke) and we played Air Hockey (I won, by one point). We had a rematch on Friday night...just on the Air Hockey. We had to play 3 games, because at the end of the 2nd game, we were tied. He ultimately won. Not without terrorizing some of the other patrons with our fast & furious playing, though (the puck flew off the table and almost beaned some people walking by. When we play, the really need to give helmets to bystanders. We get rough.).

And, we've finally entered the age of high-speed interent. Yup, our DSL modem arrived on Friday, so we've been marveling at 1) how fast it is, and 2) how someone could call & we'd be able to talk to them. So, as you can imagine, we've been somewhat slug-like this weekend, what with rediscovering the 'net & all.

We did get out to run some errands yesterday, and will be running to the Bi-Lo & drug store this morning, so that Patrick can get some snacky-yums to take with him to....Lancaster, SC.

Yes, boys & girls--it's that time again--when Patrick gets to go to some other plant in a city that isn't Greenville. Lancaster is better than Cheraw, both in terms of things to do there & distance, but it's still 2 hours away. He'll be able to come in late on Monday mornings & leave early on Friday night, so we'll have the full weekend together, but it's still gonna suck. Okay, that's my one gripe--I know that it could be so much worse, and we're grateful that he's got a paycheck, and we'll just deal with it. On the plus side, I'll have the computer & high-speed internet all to myself.....

I think that's about all for now...My love to everyone!!!!


Blogger Chauntelle said...

You've got the DSL to yourself for now...

6:05 PM  

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