My View
Well, Patrick & I ventured to my new office space on Saturday, and took a few pictures. Our first stop was to go to the top of the parking garage that's next to the building & take a snap of the actual office building where I work:

Keep in mind that I'm on the 14th floor of a 17-story building--if you count four rows down (on the right side of the building you can see the windows separated by cement), that's my floor!
Here's my cubicle:

And the view I get if I'm sitting in my chair and look 90 degrees to my left:

We toured the conference rooms, and here's a view from one of them, looking away from the city (notice the huge cemetary....I think there are some really old graves in there.):

And looking towards town:

I think if you click on the pictures, it'll show them a little more clearly...Anyway, I still think it's cool when I'm walking down the halls & all the attorneys have their doors open & I can see all around the city & beyond.
So, this is where I spend my 7.5 hours per day, Monday through Friday....
Looks VERY nice!!! I love the view. Greenville does kinda blow Knoxville away!
Well, Greenville doesn't suffer from low self esteem like K'ville. Plus, I don't work in a fancy high-rise in K'ville, so I'm kinda partial to G'ville!!!!
You've got to come & visit--I'll take you on a tour, too, and let you see our Gevalia coffee machine & soda fountains. (Notice the plural...we have more than one soda fountain!!!)
Yeah, I really think we should have gotten some shots of the sody fountains while we were up there. It was pretty cool, though. It certainly didn't smell like old charcoal grill in Chauntelle's workplace, and I noticed that the floors of her offices were not covered in a half inch of semi-hardened grease, which is nice.
And no dead, squashed mice awaiting me when I come into work; no sticky spider traps to get stuck's pretty cool.
If I didn't think they'd think me a bit "special" I'd take the camera & get a shot of the sody fountains (or just one, since they do pretty much look alike....).
This is by far the nicest place I've ever worked...and don't think for a minute I don't count my blessings every time I use the soda machine!!!!
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