Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My exciting life

I thought I’d take a quick moment to update everyone on the daily happenings of my life. Because it’s so darn interesting.

That, and so that the epic Cat Poo Adventure isn’t the first thing that greets readers in the morning.

So what’s been going on in my life? Well, I do feel like one big science experiment. Every day I feel a little less graceful, a little more, shall we say, rotund. I’m enjoying this new-found state, and all that it represents, but it is surprising when you have to continue to move your legs farther & father apart to allow you to bend over to tie your shoes.

The other morning, we were driving around (well, Patrick was driving, I was the happy passenger) and Patrick asked me to get something from the back seat. Sure, no problem. I started to turn, and realized that it just wasn’t going to happen. I have lost my ability to twist and turn like I used to. You think it’s not going to happen until your 8 ½ month. You think you’ve got time. After all, the belly is apparent, but it’s not that big.

Yeah, you realize—it is.

I’ve really noticed a difference in the weight of my body, too. I’ve not started the pregnancy waddle yet, but I have noticed some of my joints loosening. It’s a little startling to sit down & hear all sorts of pops & cracks from places that you weren’t sure you had. (I am assured that this is normal…so don’t nobody fret none!)

I also realized that it was very, very naïve of me to think that the pants I bought early on (which were maternity pants) will last clear until the end of my pregnancy. Even if I shove the waistbands down under the belly, I may only get another ½ month out of some of them. Luckily, we’re getting ready to head to Spring (according to General Beauregard Lee on Groundhog Day), and I’ve got some really great dresses that were lent to me by Lorraine, so I think I’ll be okay. But it’s still weird to look at these pants that, just three months ago, I had them on the smallest setting, and now they’re almost to the point where I’m thinking of doing my crazy rubber-band thingy to get another inch out of them.

And, I’m hot. Really, really hot. I used to be somewhat cold-natured. Even when it was 80 outside, we’d have the air on, and sometimes I’d get cold. I wore slippers all the time. Now I feel like it is 120 degrees all the time. Yesterday, the forecast was for a somewhat chilly day, so I wore my cashmere turtleneck (which still fits!!!) and my cashmere socks. I was so hot. Everyone around me was wearing their jackets (I’m not kidding—I think I even saw some gloves come out, too. And this was inside.), and I’m debating whether or not I could get away with partial nudity in the office. It’s really fun at night, because I do like to sleep with a lot of blankets, and the cat likes to try to merge with my head, and Patrick loves to throw his pillows on top of me. I’m thinking tonight that I’ll turn the air on to about 50, and maybe that’ll keep me cool.

I am learning, though. I’ve got a great pair of pants that have a LOT of room to expand (and they are under-belly pants, too, which means longer wear than my “at the belly” pants that I’m rapidly outgrowing), I’ve got a lighter sweater on today, and have socks with no holes in them so I can take off my shoes while at my desk. (Although, at this point, I probably wouldn’t care if my socks had holes or not….it’s just fun trying to get my shoes off without sounding like I’m wrestling a mad weasel.)

The next doctor’s appointment is next Monday (3:15, for those keeping track). I think that’ll be the time that he measures the belly. I think in one of my books it said that from here on out I’ll gain about an inch in the belly each month. I’m wondering if my hands will be able to reach my keyboard.

On another note, Mom & Dad sent me one of the funniest things I've read in awhile--about a man's battle with a deranged squirrel. I don't want to plagiarize, so here's where everyone can go to read about it (trust me, it's well worth it):


Also, this past weekend, Patrick and I were browsing about iFilm.com (much more fun with a high-speed internet connnection, so I apologize to those who are still using dial-up), and found a cat section. And we all love cats, but for some reason, watching cats do stupid things makes me laugh. Really, really laugh. Like wet myself laugh (on one of these I may have pooted a little, too), so you should take a look:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I am experienced in this department but a friend at work is pregnant as well as she suggested you try Bella Bands. You can get them at Target or Maternity stores. She said you can wear your old pants unbuttoned and unzipped and put this bella band over that area and it keeps your pants on and expands the life. She is due in June and can still wear some of her orginal jeans if she uses her bella band. She highly reccomends!!

12:14 PM  

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