Thursday, January 04, 2007

All that fun & excitement, and now it's over...

It seems like there's all this preparation that goes into Christmas, and then, BOOM! In five minutes it's all over. This was our little boy's first Christmas, and as he wasn't even seven months old, I think the whole thing was a little lost on him. Oh, sure, he enjoyed chewing on some new objects, and enjoyed seeing family, but I think next year there will be a little more awareness of what's going on. We didn't even wrap the present we gave him--which, by the way, it the ultra-cool Sing & Go Choo-Choo, from Fisher Price, where you push on the engine stack & an extremely annoying song plays--loudly--about what fun animals are, and then the engine pulling a couple of cars moves across the floor. Noah seems to like it, and, more importantly, we think it's a lot of fun. I think he enjoyed looking at the lights on the various Christmas trees, and we did go to Hollywild and I think he saw the lights for about five minutes (then promptly fell asleep).

But I'm just sitting here, in my living room, looking at our dark Christmas tree. I haven't even bothered to plug it in the past couple of days. We still need to take our Christmas self portrait--it's a tradition Patrick and I have, and I was looking forward to doing it this year, what with the addition of our little Elf, and we just haven't done it. It's not that I don't want to, it is just that with all the hype that goes into making this Christmas the most absolutely most wondrous, amazing Christmas ever in the whole world, I think we just sorta, well, forgot about it. So my goal this weekend is to have us take a picture. I know that it won't be a remembrance of Christmas day, but really--does a few days make that much of a difference?

And did you notice that I'm posting to my blog...and sitting in my living room?? Do you wonder how this is possible? I must have been a very good girl this year because Santa Patrick gave me Daisy, my laptop. He figured with the change in vocation I may need an office that's a little more portable than the one we have now. Which isn't very portable at all. So, I've finally been able to play with my new toy, and I must say--I really like Daisy. We also got a wireless router, which Patrick the Amazing Router-Hooker-Upper has working like a champ, and so I'm able to speedily surf the 'net from our living room. It's truly an amazing feat of technology.

And yes, for those of you who caught the subtle indication in the last paragraph--I'm embarking on a new, exciting journey--a journey into Real Estate that I hope will prove fruitful. If not, we're screwed. Let's think happy thoughts, though, shall we??? I have given my notice at my current job--I'll be working there through the 31st, then after that, it's all on me. Well, not all on me...Patrick is still keeping his job. I'd love to say, "Sure, honey, quit!" but I've grown fond of eating, and I'm not sure that cardboard boxes (even though we have a lot of them, and could make a pretty impressive fort out of them) is a suitable home for a seven-month old.

For those who are counting--he's seven months tomorrow. Holy cow. I can't believe how much he's grown and changed in these past months. The time really does fly by...I was talking with Patrick the other night, asking him if he ever thought that the time would come when Noah would go to be at 7:00 p.m. (rather than 10:30, 11:00, midnight...), and would sleep the whole night through, and that we'd have a little person in the house with a distinct personality, with likes and dislikes, and who lets us know very quickly if the Backyardigans song that is currently playing is not "Float, Flutter, Fly" and would we please play "Float, Flutter, Fly" right now. Last time we weighed him (I got on the scale, then on the scale with both of us), he was right around 16 pounds...I'm not sure how tall he is. He's taller than the giraffe sleeper that I love so much (I bought it for him before he was's got cute little giraffe heads on the feet, and says, "I Love Daddy." Of course, Noah really loves Mommy better, but we don't like to brag.).

Well, the oven timer went off, which means a quick dinner & then off to bed.

I will say, quickly, that we had a wonderful Christmas. We had Mee Ma & Pee Pa, my parents, Patrick's parents and sister, and I think it was just about perfect. I'm so happy that Noah got to meet Mee Ma & Pee Pa, and they were able to really spend some time with him, which is what I wanted. They thought he was pretty amazing, and I have to agree. But then, I think he thought they were pretty amazing.

Enjoy the photos--some from Hollywild (which, by the way, was so spectacular and awe-inspiring with its sheer multitude of lights, rendered Janet speechless. No small task, I assure you.); some from Christmas; and of course, some of our boy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What great pics! He is growing so fast and seems like such a happy boy! Everyone looks so happy, I'm so glad for you guys and can hardly wait to see you all again myself.
Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas pic, I laughed and laughed at the story behind how you finally got the picture taken. Having kids is the best time you will ever have!
Love you!!

10:35 AM  

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