So THAT'S where he gets it!!!!
Mom was unpacking, and found a photo of me & Mee Ma...and if you look very, very closely, you'll see where Noah gets his "oooh" face. (By the way, this picture was taken in 1971, and I'm assuming, based on the Easter basket and scary pink bunny, it was around Easter. So that would make me around 6 months old. And that black & white stuffed cat next to Mee Ma's right knee? I still have that cat...)
(Thanks to Auntie Ray-Ray for the Noah's one of our favorites!!!)

This picture of you and your grandmother is GREAT!!! You're so tiny!
In all fairness, that picture was taken by Papa. But hey, it's one of my favs too! That face just signifies someone who is capable of deep concentration and thought!
My apolgies to Papa!!! I got the photo from a "Photos from Rachel" folder that we have...I'm going to blame this one on Patrick--he obviously did something wrong and caused me to make a mistake.
So, since Noah got his "oooh" face from me, does that mean that I, too, am capabable of deep concentration and thought? And if so, when do those capabilities kick in???
Yes, of course!!!! He gets those traits from his Mum. He gets his preoccupation with poop from his Dad.
Believe it or not...the folk here in HV would like to participart in the NOAHisim, HOW do we join?
He is the cutest little boy to come along in like forever and I'm dying to see the little fellow before he's earning a living and visiting his grandparent in the old folks home...nah, just kiddin', he's going to be so smart and invent something so cool he'll not ever have to worry about work! Anyway, I digress...Just wondering when we might be seeing you lovely people?
We're thinking of trying to come down in October, IF the Asheville trip works out. See, you all get to see the fun Noah, but when his little sleep schedule gets disrupted, we're the ones who feel the wrath. And it ain't purty (he gets his need for sleep from his momma...sorry, Noah!). So, we're hoping all goes well for the Asheville trip, and then we can try an overnight stay. Also, he's getting stronger with the holding of the head, but honestly, I get nervous when we take him for long trips...I know he's in a car seat in the middle, I know that chances are that we wouldn't get in an accident, but I still feel better going when he's really able to stabilize his head, and it's not so wobbly. And, the longer of a trip we take, the more chances we have of getting into an accident... So, as much as we'd love to see everyone, and have everyone admire the wonderous being that is Noah, we're waiting until we take a few test trips (to make sure that he won't have a complete meltdown, leaving us frazzled for the next work week) and to make sure that he's a little bit stronger...which, at the rate he's going, could be next week!! Oh my goodness, he's growing so fast...he's reaching for things, grabbing them, putting them in his mouth. *Sigh*
Totally understood and well recieved!
We all respect and love you guys so very much and want the very best for the 3 of you!
Octoberfest sounds wonderful!!
If you have any and I do mean any idea of what week-end it would be...a shout out to Kala and Keith so they might be able to work on getting time off to see you would be nice. Kala, I KNOW would work on switching days off if she knew in advance.Do what you can, I know it's not easy.
How was it going back to work?
Going back to work is tough; it's harder on the days when I leave him happy & laughing...but I know he's in good hands, and hopefully we can get back in the swing of things, earning a bit more $$$ since I am back at work, and maybe re-evaluate later on. I do get to take a couple 20 minute breaks during the day, where I go to a private, lockable bathroom, read a magazine and pump, pump, pump; somedays I look forward to my pumping breaks!!!!
We'll look at the calendar after our Asheville test trip & see what we can do about a K'ville visit. Of course we'll let everyone know as soon as we find out!
I know you are really busy...but we miss news of you, P-Cat and baby Noah.
Any little tidbit is better than nothing at all. I hate to sound like a begger and all, but try to see it from the stand point of across the mountains, across several rivers, lakes, muddy little ponds and beautiful creeks, heck...we just miss news!
We are all very distressed about Uncle Dan and are hoping and praying all will be well and praying for Granddad Hardin and always for Nana.
Still hope to see you all in Oct., talked to DD last night, she is hoping you guys may come in around the 21st, I have no idea what your plan is, that is just when Kala is off again. I know you said you would let us know when you knew and I'm sure you will. We love you and miss you.
Take care of yourselves!
Congrats on selling the house!!
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