Noah Pictures!
Noah had his 4 month check-up yesterday--15 lbs, 25 inches long! Of course, we also got 4 shots--which caused a slight fever last night, which in turn caused us both to miss out on quite a bit of sleep!! Patrick got up with Noah first, and then around 3:00 a.m. or so I got up, and we took his temperature (rectally--what fun!), determined he had a fever, so Patrick runs out to WalMart to get some infant Tylenol. We thought we had some, but I guess it's not until it's 3:30 a.m. and your baby is screaming that you realize that no, you don't have any. I stayed up with Noah, and let Patrick go back to sleep since he absolutely could not be off of work today. Noah finally drifted off to sleep around 4:45 a.m., and sleep for about 3 hours. His fever has been coming down pretty steadily, and I think now he's just really tired. So, I stepped out of the room while he's in his magic swing, hoping that he'll close his eyes and get some rest (of course, if he took a nap, then maybe I could, too!).So, seizing on that opportunity, here are some pictures. Enjoy! (The 1st one is from July--July 17, to be exact, and I just loved the look on his face. He looks so perplexed!!!! The others are from our Apple Picking Adventure a couple weekends ago, and just some general, "Hey look at me in my cute jammies!" pictures.)

I know this trip has some awful things (Granddad and Nana)to deal with. I don't mean they are KNOW what I mean. BUT I can't wait to see him (Noah) in person!!! Girl, YOU look wonderful!!!
Motherhood is great on you!!!
Fatherhood is good on Patrick too!
Noah is the bomb!
Can't wait to get to know his personality!
I think Mom and Dad would like to do birthday's while you guys are here (if it is appropriate with all that is going on...previous comment about the elder Hardin's).
I haven't even mentioned that to Janet, I know she and Dan are pretty much overwhelmed at the moment, what do you think? It really is the perfect time...I don't know when else we will do it and it may be the only time you all will be here all together, or mostly all together for a while.
Love ya!
I think celebrating birthdays would be fine...I think we sorta assumed that we would, anyway!
See you in a week!
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