Family Weekend
This past weekend we were honored to have Patrick's grandparents, Vernon & Mary Ruth Smith (Janet's parents), come to visit. Dan, Janet and Rachel came along with them, and my folks were back from their latest Florida trip, so we had a good ol' time! Of course the star of the show was Noah, who was very well behaved for his great-grandparents--not one fart!!! I was very surprised, as he's usually a very gassy little boy. Lots of pictures were taken, and I'm sure they'll show up on various blogs in the next few days. Dan brought us a surprise--he made a DVD with film footage right after Noah was born and had a lullaby sung by the Dixie Chicks as the background music, and yes, of course I cried. It is wonderful and great, and I wish I could post movies on my blog!!!!
Patrick smoked two pork picnics, and they were fabulous as usual. We had LOTS of food, and I'm still upset that nobody took any corn home. I think we put the 4 1/2 lbs we had left in the compost pile.
We had our 2 month check-up today, and Noah weighs 11 lbs, 10 oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long. He's gained nearly 4 lbs since he was born, and has grown 2 1/2 inches...such a big boy!!!! Last night I was holding him up, and he was really trying to stand!!! Of course, he couldn't hold the stand very long (just a couple of seconds), but it just amazed me at how much he's growing and developing. Especially his lungs. In fact, I hear him will wrap this up with a couple of photos from the weekend.

How exciting to see so many people in love with your little Noah. He's really not little, is he? He's gorgeous and I'm so happy for you.
No, he's not so little's so funny, because he's only 2 months old, and yet he's changed SO MUCH. He looks like a little person now, not like some coneheaded alien (he was a CUTE coneheaded alien, to be sure, but a coneheaded alien nonetheless). He's outgrown some of his little socks, and some of his outfits are getting a bit snug. We've been trying to dress him up and take pictures so the people that sent us clothes can see him in them! It's hard, though, when it's 98 degrees outside, to justify why he needs to be in anything but a diaper! But I digress...yes, he is getting big, and to know him is to love him. Even when he's all purple-faced and screaming.
Good Lookin' Family!
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