Our sweet little monkey!
Seems like I'm on a roll...a post every month. Sorry about that, folks. I really try to post more often, but our little time vortex (aka Noah) just makes it kind of hard.
We had a great Thanksgiving--we went to Knoxville and spent the afternoon with Nana, Granddad, Brenda, Dan, Janet and Rachel, and had a really great meal and enjoyed each other's company. That night we stopped by Granny & Grandpa's and had more food.
The trip was made more fun by the zippy Mazda Protege 5 Wagon that we are now the proud owners of. It's yellow. Bright yellow. Like "Speed Ticket" yellow. It's highly visible. The interior is leather--black with yellow inserts. No, I'm not kidding. It's quite sporty, and Patrick has had lots of comments from strangers--guys, mostly--saying things like, "Sweet ride, dude." To which Patrick replies, "Uh, yeah. Thanks." But, as it's a wagon, it has a bit more room than the Altima, so that makes going on trips much easier, and we don't have to beg a vehicle from my parents. It also has a sunroof, which pretty much sold it to me. Patrick has named it the Electric Love Banana, but I'm trying to dissuade him from that moniker. I'm sure we'll have a post of it at some point in time.
It is fun traveling with a baby. You don't just get in your car and go like you do when you're single. Oh nooooo. There's the pack-n-play that must be taken down, folded up in a very particular way (that seems impossible once you unfold it the first time) that must be packed. Baby needs a place to sleep, after all! Then there are the acoutrements for the baby--15 bibs; 10 long-sleeved onesies; 5 short-sleeved onesies; 4 pair of cotton pants; 1 pair fleece pants; 1 pair sweatpants; 3 nighties (the onesies would do in a pinch); 5 pair socks; slippers; 25 diapers; hooded sweatshirt; 1 pair jeans; 1 t-shirt; 2 long-sleeved button-up shirts; 10 receiving blankets (i.e., urp cloths); a tote o'toys; the diaper bag to carry the bare essentials (more diapers, wipes, an extra long-sleeved onesie, and extra pair of cotton pants; an extra pair of socks)...yes, we were only gone for 3 days and 2 nights. What's your point? And then, you must pack the food. We had an insulated tote for that. We had about 10 bottles of milk; a few jars of green beans, peas, pears, carrots, squash...and some pre-mixed apple juice. I had to pack my pump (all 10 lbs of it...), of course. Then we take clothes for US. All of this fit very well into the Electric Love Banana, and we even had room for Noah's magic VibraChair. Can't forget the VibraChair.
We packed up, got out later than we intended, and were on the road by around 9:30. About an hour later I realized that I forgot to pack Lorraine's maternity wardrobe. Lorraine and Bill are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, with a darling little boy, Skylar. When Lorraine found out that I was pregnant, she sent her husband to Rachel's house with the biggest bunch of maternity clothes (and some really great books!) that I'd ever seen. Those clothes saved my wallet, let me tell you!!! Anyway, I've been trying to get those clothes back to Lorraine for about 6 months now. *Sigh* Lorraine, if you're reading this, I swear I have not sold them--they are here, nicely packed up, just waiting for a time when I haven't lost my mind and will actually put them IN the car next time we go to Knoxville!
A little after I realized that I forgot the maternity clothes, I realized we forgot our cameras. Yes, we were heading to Knoxville to see family, and didn't have our cameras. Oh well. I'm sure there will be other times to capture priceless family moments on film.
A little after that, we realized we forgot something else, but I can't remember what that was.
Oh well.
On our last shopping trip to Target, I found some monkey pajamas by Nick & Nora--the same company that made MY monkey pajamas that Patrick bought for me, so of course, I had to have them. Here are some pictures of Noah in said pajamas. If you notice his feet, you'll see the cutest slippers--they're made to look like red sneakers with white athletic socks. My dear friend Lori made those for Noah--and they are just the cutest things ever!!!
I also put some pictures on of Noah & his kitty. They're good friends. They bonded. That happens when you get barfed on. Apparently kitty fur is very absorbent, though, and Mouse is okay.

I'm loving the monkey pajamas!!! He looks like such a big boy in them. I can't believe how big he is and I just saw him last weekend!!!
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