New Photos!

Sorry for the lack of postings...even though Noah is less than 2 months old, he takes up a lot of time!!! Who knew that feeding, changing, wiping down, sleeping, etc. takes up SO MUCH TIME??? So, that's how I've been spending my days...and some days (like today), I'm lucky enough to be able to get a shower!!! Woo hoo!! Today's shower was the first since...Sunday?...and was much needed. We had a little "incident" this morning, which involved emptying out everything consumed & projecting it on the person next to you. And in this case, meant Noah was the projector, and I was the projectee. So, while Noah got wiped down (and spent the next 20 minutes snuggling in a nice warm towel), I spent the next 3 hours smelling like old milk & vomit. Fun, huh? Still wouldn't trade it for the world, though!
In a nutshell, my rash is back. Yes, this makes it itchy time #3! This time, though, they think it's folliculitis. No, I've never heard of it either, but apparently it's when your hair follicles get infected & inflamed. So, I've got another topical steroid cream to use, and will start taking erythromycin two times a day for about a month. The erythromycin should kill the bacteria, thus taking away the inflammation, and the itch that goes along with it. The person I saw at the dermatologist was a Physician's Assistant, who did call in the doc I saw first to confirm his diagnosis. And HE thought that the original doc's diagnosis of post-partum PUPP (which was what I was told rash #2 was) was incorrect. Personally, I think it's all hormonal, but whatever will make it go away, I'll do. I've even though that if I could sacrifice a chicken to the rash gods, I'd do it. Whatever will take away the pin-prick-bug-walking-itchy sensation that I currently have just about all the time (and gets worse when I'm holding Noah, i.e., Small Portable Space Heater).
I also had to have a root canal last week, too--on the tooth with the only crown I have, the crown that I'm not 100% sure I needed, anyway; the crown that took me nearly 2-3 years where it didn't bother me. The root canal went remarkably well, probably due to the fact that they gave me nitrous oxide (gas of the Gods), which took the edge off. And they also gave me 3 shots of Novocaine (the first two shots still hurt a bit--they are jabbing a big needle down to the roots of a molar, after all--but I was much more relaxed about dealing with the pain). I go to my dentist next week to have the permanent filling put in. (I was referred to an endodontist for the root canal...I don't know if my dentist just doesn't do root canals, and prefers to have a specialist do it, or whether they didn't want to take a chance on me after I regaled them with the horror story of how I came to get my crown in the first place. Either way, I'm glad they referred me--the guy that did it was good, and did I mention the nitrous oxide?
I'm on penicillin to combat any infection that may have begun, and why the penicillin can't kill whatever bacteria may be causing my rash, I don't know. But, all drugs that I'm taking are safe for me, safe for the no worries.
We're excited to be hosting a Hardin BBQ this weekend--Patrick's grandparents, parents & sister will be visiting this weekend, and we can't wait!!! Patrick has already used his new Smoker (I'm sure he'll wax poetic about it on his blog soon) a couple times, with rousing success. And, we can't wait for Noah to meet his great-grandparents! He's still a little too floppy to travel right now, so it's great that they'll be able to come to him until he can travel safely.
Noah is getting bigger every day...and he's getting so strong! His neck muscles are really developing rapidly (he's almost able to hold his head up all by himself--it still gets a little wobbly at times, but I'm sure in the next month or so, we'll see that disappearing). He's really smiling now--with his eyes, too, so it's not just gas (though even with the "gas" smiles, we tell ourselves that he was smiling at us). It's a little freaky watching him sleep, though--sometimes he sleeps with his eyes open, and goes into REM sleep, so he'll just be staring, and moving his eyes, and going through all these emotions, and it's a little disconcerting. But cool, also, to watch him go through EVERY emotion--he'll go from having the saddest expression ever (his cute little mouth turned down into a frown), to happy, to about 10 seconds.
We've found these great CDs that overlap womb noises with soothing electronic "New Age" music that I think help him sleep at night. I know they put us out pretty quickly! We've also found out that he doesn't like falling asleep in one place, and waking up somewhere else. And really, you can't blame him! I know I'd probably cry if I fell asleep all snuggly in someone's arms, only to wake up in a completely different locale! So, we're trying to put him down when he's drowsy, with limited success. We know that he's too young to spoil (until they're about 3-4 months old, they don't equate their actions bringing about a direct response--in other words, he doesn't draw the connection between "I cry & Mommy or Daddy come"--right now, it's just "I'm crying because I'm upset, and I don't know why. Figure it out!"), so we just pick him back up, and soothe him some more. And somewhere around midnight, he's finally asleep for good. Then we're able to get about 2 1/2 hours of sleep, get up feed him, put him down. Pick him up. Put him down. Pick him up. Put him down...ahh! Get another 2 hours or so of sleep. Yes, this is the glamorous life! But I wouldn't trade a single nanosecond of it!!!
I did go by Krispy Kreme the other day; the "HOT" sign was on, and I hadn't had a hot KK donut, so by God, I was gonna have one. My blood sugar has leveled out, so I thought it was high time. I'd wanted one since about, oh, my 7th month of pregnancy, and boy was it good!!!! But, while I was there, they had the cutest onesie--so of course I bought it. You can see another picture of it on Patrick's blog, but we took a couple.
I'm also posting a picture of "Fun-n-Sun Noah" as well as a family picture, and one of me & Noah to appease the clamoring masses.

I love the picture of the 3 of you and the one of you and Noah smiling! It's gorgeous!
You guys look great!! Noah is sure "Growin' like a weed", you must be doin' EVERY THING RIGHT!!! Mom and Dad are sooooo excited about this week-end, they could just bust, can't blame them, but somebody has to hold down the fort! I am so happy about everything for the three of you right now! Keep happy thought! Love you guys!
Wow he really is growing so fast! The 3 of you look so good together, it just looks right! I can't wait to see him and cuddle him! I bet he smells just wonderful(even with the gas)!
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