Friday, October 10, 2008


I'm not sure where he's getting it, but Noah was doing yoga poses tonight & was even saying "yoga." I took a video, but it doesn't really show off his prowess... He was doing a combination of Up Dog (or maybe it was Cobra...whichever one allows you to keep your thighs on the floor...which I always did, anyway), then he went into some modification where he was in a sort of Down Dog, but with his leg up in the air. I was impressed.

I've been super-busy, which is great; Noah has even had a couple weeks where he's been in school a day or two extra, which he seems to love. He really has started to not only enjoy school, but look forward to it. He talks about his classmates, and we talk about what he's going to do, and there is less clinging & more "Yeah, whatever, Mom. See ya!" when I tell him goodbye.

Patrick brought home some Halloween Peeps; they're in the shape of kitties, and I guess they're chocolate (since I can't stand Peeps, I'm assuming they're chocolate, since they're brown on the outside). Noah loves them. The other night he caught a glimpse of the wrapper and asked for a Peep. I think he even said "please." I said, "After dinner--you've got to eat your dinner first." Well, he did, then said "Peep? Kitty Peep?" So, since I'd said he could have one, I couldn't really say no, so he had one. Enjoyed it, as you can see from his lack of talking. Then it was straight into the bath. You may not be able to tell it from the video (the pictures were from the 1st Peep tasting), but he was one sticky Peep mess.

I know I sound like a broken record, but every day there's something new...whether it's yoga, or his ever-expanding vocabulary, or how he's beginning to interact with his stuffed animals (today, Noah fell & scraped his knee a bit, and he was carrying his stuffed Mickey Mouse, and immediately began talking about how Mickey fell down, Mickey hurt his knee, and "it's okay, baby" and put Mickey up to his shoulder & began patting Mickey on the back and telling Mickey "don't cry, baby."). It's just amazing to see how big he's getting, and how he is absolutely a little boy now...

Mom, where are the bricks??? I need to tie a few to his head right now to keep him from getting bigger!!!!

Enjoy the movies & the pictures!

Our love to all!

Sorry this one is a bit blurry...but you can tell that he has begun enjoying his Kitty Peep. Note lack of ears atop Kitty Peep's head.

I think these may be slightly out of order, but that's okay...again, enjoying Kitty Peep's head. yummy. That's his new phrase--of course, he wouldn't say it while I was taking the video!

Eating Kitty Peep.

Yoga moves!


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