Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thankful for all my blessings

I am about to go to bed, and I remember that this morning, Mom reminded me that it was September 11. I'm sure someday I'll be able to get through this day without crying, but not today. I didn't watch any of the news coverage. I didn't read the paper. I saw flags at half-mast, and wished that we'd put our flag out, too. It just sort of hit me, after I kissed my baby goodnight, and realized that he'll never know a world where this day wasn't the day that changed most of us.

I am sure that we all remember where we were that morning. I was at the T.B.I. lab in Jackson, listening to a morning call-in show, "Bob and Sheri" when they broke in and reported that there had been an accident, a small plane had flown into one of the World Trade Center towers. The next thing I knew, they were reporting a second plane, and one of my coworkers ran to the front of the lab where I was, and I think we were both in shock. She ran next door to the field office, where they had a TV. I was sort of stuck, not sure what was going on. She ran back in to tell me that the Pentagon had been hit. And then the plane went down in Pennsylvania.

I called Patrick, to make sure he was ok. He wasn't anywhere close to New York, but I had to make sure he was safe.

Then I just remember all the footage, all the stories, the pictures, it was everywhere.

My heart aches when I think of how I'm going to have to try to explain to Noah why and how someone could do such a thing.

Until then, I'll continue to kiss his cheek as he's sleeping, dreaming of kitties and rainbows (as instructed by Grandma), and know that I am so thankful for all that I have.


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