Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Pee Pa & my Dad. Below is a picture I took of them while we were out in Dad's boat...I think it was actually Thanksgiving Day 2003. The turkey was in the smoker, so we decided to go for a trip up the river. It was a great trip--one of my favorite memories. What you don't see in the picture is that my Dad is barefoot...I love that he goes barefoot and wears cut-off jeans.

Both of these men, my father & grandfather, are amazing. They both fought for their country...which, as I get older, I think I'm beginnning to sort of realize how truly scary it must have been--what they could have lost, leaving behind the known for the unknown (except the unknown was shooting at you). I don't think there are words to describe the bravery that these two men have.

And then when Dad came back from Vietnam, there was me, waiting for him. He's an amazing Dad--he lets me fall (although I'm sure as a parent it's heartbreaking to watch your child fail!), and is there if I need help getting back up...even though I may not know I need help at the time. He's taught me so many things: how to change my own oil, how to be true to myself, how to make sure that I have enough gas to get me where I'm going so I don't have to push my vehicle, how to stand up for what I believe in, how to be the best person I can be.

I miss my Dad, Mom, and all my other family. That's one of the reasons we're so excited to be moving; we'll be closer to what really matters in life--family.

Happy Father's Day, Dad & Pee Pa!!! I love you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was so sweet Chaun. Thank you so very much!!

Pee Pa

2:45 PM  

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