Daddy's Little Boy

We're trying to get on a schedule--not one that we've imposed, mind you, but one that Noah is setting for us. We've found out that it's easy to over-stimulate little babies to the point where they just won't sleep. So, we're trying to ease him into bedtime around 8ish...which invariably turns into 9, and then 10. And once he's asleep, and we've determined that all the cries, gurgles & coos are being done while he's dreaming, Patrick and I look at each other, realize it's 11 p.m., and try to have some together time before collapsing into be awakened in about an hour and a half by Noah demanding to be fed. NOW.
We have also had fun documenting Noah's first bath (which he let us know, in no uncertain terms, that he hated), and his second, which wasn't quite as bad. Of course, it still ranked right up there with diaper changes (which he also hates...I guess because it gets so cold on his little bare nekkid baby bottom). We're told that they grow to love bathtime, so we have that to look forward to.
I had a quick doctor's appointment this morning, so Mom came over & watched Noah, and she really tricked out his bassinet--she hung various toys in bright colors on the mobile (which had cute--but boring--white bears on it), and fastened the toys around so that Noah can bat them with his hands, and when I came home, he was just wide-eyed, looking at all these neat new things. We also received a really great, bright Winnie the Pooh blanket that Mom said Noah has been transfixed by. It's exciting to know that he's getting to the point where he's really taking an interest in things around him.
He really is amazing...I could just stare at him for hours!
We cleaned out the storage unit this past weekend--well, I say "we" but it was really two guys & their moving van. We found a good company with great rates, and we're happy to have paid them to move our stuff out--and it feels good to know that we don't have that monthly payment anymore, and it's really nice to have some of our furniture back. I've missed my little antique table & chifferobe. Of course, I can't remember where I put the key to my chifferobe, so that's a bit problematic, but I'm sure I put it in a place that made sense at the time, and we'll find it sooner or later.
Noah's nursery is starting to come together; we may go crib-shopping this weekend. We were going to order the crib on-line, but do you know that they charge around $120 to ship a crib??? But, since we don't need a crib right now, we've got some time to look around. We do have the dresser that Dan & Janet gave us, and it's the perfect height to put the changing pad on, and has lots of drawers and places to put baby things, plus the little dresser that I had when I was a baby... We've got a rocking chair in his room, and a nice rug from Mom & Dad to warm the room up a bit. Once we get it "done" I'll post some pictures. We probably won't do any painting right away...but we do have plans. Patrick & I both love the blackboard & magnetic paint you can get, and since the room has a chair rail around the walls already, it would be easy to just paint the bottom of the walls & have a ready-made canvas all set to receive Noah's works of art. But that won't happen for another few months or so...or until Noah begins displaying artistic leanings!
As far as the rest of the house...well, it'll take a little time to come together, but we're in no rush. At least we've got everything here, or in the "man-shed," and can go through it at our leisure.
Right now, we're just trying to relax and enjoy our precious boy.
I have no doubt that he'll be painting like Renoir in no time. He is a genius afterall!!!!
I am really happy you guys aren't stressing about the "silly stuff" like getting everything in it's place...hey, it may never have a regular place again! Things have a way of not always being soooo important as it once was, or thats at least the way I see it, then again we know I'm kinda wierd anyway.
I swear, ole Noah just changes everytime I see a picture of him!!
Love you guys!!
What a great picture! Noah is so precious! I love reading your blog - but can't believe you even have any time at all to write. I think all I could do was sleep and nurse the baby for at least a couple of months. I can't imagine adding in buying a house, moving, arranging furniture, getting settled (at least enough to function), and painting! Holy cow! You DO rock!!
The picture of my "little boy" holding his little baby boy makes me want to cry for joy. I knew from the time he was really young that Patrick would be a really wonderful Dad. You two are such a wonderful compliment to each other. Makes me happy!
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