Monday, May 01, 2006

33 weeks...Wow.

Yup. 33 weeks this Wednesday. Holy crap. That means we have less than 2 months until we can see this whirling dervish inside my belly. By the way, I do think that this child is breakdancing, and I swear the Bean is putting his/her head squarely on my bladder, and spinning, arms and legs akimbo. At least, that's what it feels like.

Glad to see that my cousin Pam posted--welcome!!! The more family & friends, the merrier!!!

Had a bit of good news come to the mailbox today--our Claim Check from Allstate (do you hear the angels singing? Because I do....)! They've reimbursed us for the money we've already shelled out, PLUS enough, it looks like, to get the house back to "ready to sell" mode. I'm going to call our realtor tomorrow, make sure he's got a copy of the estimate, and hopefully he'll be able to find someone who can do the work for a bit less than what Allstate is allowing for.

We've started looking at houses--even though the Finger house is still on the market (and I still have faith in Mr. Naylor to sell our house soon!), we figure that if we can get into a house, a real, actual house with more than 700 sq. ft. of space, maybe I'll feel a little less stressed, maybe we can actually save a little money (depending on the price of the house, we may be paying less for something that's ours!), and maybe some things will work themselves out.

My rash for example. No, this isn't going to be one of those times I post a picture, so no worries. But it looks like I'm one of the lucky few to have developed PUPPS. I forget what the acronymn stands for, and it sounds god-awful...and it isn't very pleasant, actually. It starts off all itchy around your stretch marks (that are, in themselves oh-so-attractive), raised little bumps, that spread to your belly, your thighs, your arms, your legs...thank goodness it doesn't seem to go to the face...but it itches something fierce. It sorta feels like you strolled through poison ivy, rolled through poison oak, took a detour through some poison sumac and then, just for fun, sat on an ant hill. From what my doctor said, they don't know why some women develop PUPPS and some don't--but it goes away with delivery of the child, and that's about the only cure. I think he said that it was something about your body's immune system is attacking the extra amino acids floating around.

So what's a preggo girl to do, then? Take steroids. 80mg of Prednisone, to be exact. Yeah, that sounded like a lot to me, too, but apparently Prednison is safe--it doesn't cross the placenta, won't give either me or the baby excessive facial hair...but Prednisone and I do not get along. I did not know this before I started taking it. But last Tuesday, I had a total & utter meltdown. I would like to give Prednisone props, though--it did clear up the rash (and now I think it's more dry skin than anything), but made me a basket case. We had a nice evening with Mom & Dad (who were down visiting) and as soon as I got in the house, I lost it. I had about a 5 hour crying jag, and just could not stop. Poor Patrick was asking if it was him, if it was me....and I just felt like I'd lost it. Now, granted, there were lots of things going on, and I still am not 100% convinced that what I had wasn't a stress-related rash, but that's just a theory, but I so wasn't myself. And to top that off, Prednisone makes your feet swell--mine got so big I had "cankles"--my calves just morphed into the tops of my feet. Fun and attractive! The swelling wasn't fun, and I could have dealt with that, but the steroids also caused my ankles to swell to the point of pain. I couldn't bend any of my little piggies, and Tuesday night (during one of my many trips to the bathroom) I realized that I could not put weight on my left ankle. I called the doc on Wed. morning, and he prescribed staying at home with my feet up, and decreasing the Prednisone dosage.

So, I'm down to 10mg now, which is very do-able, my ankles are back and are not sore, and I feel much more like myself. (And Patrick is just happy that I'm not crying anymore.)

But why would I think that the rash may be stress, and not this PUPPS? Well, I've also been one of the lucky few who develop gestational diabetes, too! Yes, folks...I've either angered the pregnancy Gods...or I don't know. I know that going into the 3rd trimester is when things really get hard on your body, and if you're going to get "the diabetes" (hey, something the cat & I have in common!), now is when it'll happen. I just felt so betrayed by my body, though--I'd had a FABULOUS pregnancy up until then, everything just textbook. Then all of a sudden--BOOM, no more bread for me!

We tried to control my blood sugar levels with diet & Glyburide, a pill that is virtually painless, that prompts your pancreas to make more insulin. Usually diet modification works, and when combined with the Glyburide, most women are just fine. Unfortunately, I'm not "most women." So, I'm shooting up twice a day--insulin in the morning, and insulin in the evening. I don't, however, have to do it three times a day any more...they've pulled out the big guns, and I'm mixing a regular insulin with a longer-lasting one, so I can skip the afternoon poke. Luckily, though, the needles are very, very small, and it's usually pain free (every once in awhile I don't get the needle at the right angle and it smarts a bit, but then I get to use that to make Patrick feel sorry for me).

And, as my doctor appointment confirmed today, I'm also unusual in that the foods that I'm eating don't always correspond with my blood sugar levels. The nurse did agree that the foods that should send my blood sugar levels through the roof (Mexican food, BBQ...) don't really affect it all that much, but then if I eat a bowl of Cheerios & have a piece of toast, we're looking at the 200-300s. Go figure. So, I did receive confirmation that I'm a little odd in that respect. But at least I can still have my Mexican food & BBQ.

So, for the past few weeks we've been dealing with my itchy rash, with "the diabetes"--and of course the tree falling on the house--so I think that a lot of what I've been going through is stress-related. The two days that I couldn't walk on my ankles & where I stayed home, watching crappy Lifetime TV movies and sleeping--did a lot for my peace of mind.

And, now that we're in the process of looking for a house, hopefully we'll have more room (which would be nice to get before the baby is born), and won't have the Stompy McFightersteins training their tap-dancing elephants at 2 am (or whatever it is they do when they're not drunk & fighting with each other) above our heads. I'll feel more settled, with something that's ours, a place where we can really raise our family...and maybe I won't be so itchy with high blood sugar.

I'll keep everyone posted on the house hunt, will post my 32-33 week picture of The Belly in the next day or so, and will try to be a bit more regular about posting on this thing.

I will have to say, too, that I work with some very generous people--the Firm hosted a baby shower for us (and I am so happy that Mom was able to attend!!!), and we ended up with so much fact, the majority of it is still in the car trunk, because I have no idea where we'd put it in the apartment... We got the stroller and the bouncy seat, and lots of blankets (a few hand-made and will become heirlooms--Kristina, I'm putting your blanket in this category, too!); onesies and sheets and bibs and socks...just so much stuff!!!! So, we are very appreciative of the generosity of my coworkers!

So everyone, keep your fingers crossed that we find a great house soon--and maybe we can actually have a nursery and display some of the wonderful gifts we've received. The realtor & I will be looking at 3 houses tomorrow afternoon, and if they're nice, we'll bring Patrick by to give his opinon. Although, I'm sure if it would keep me from crying like last Tuesday night, he'd let me pick out any house I wanted....


Blogger RachieK said...

Yeah, like that's all you want to think about when you are 33 weeks preg!! A college degree you can get in 2 weeks!! That's right folks, 2 weeks. You could be an PHD before giving birth. Hell, with a PHD you can just deliver the baby yourself! I'm glad to hear that you are sounding more like yourself. I'm so happy that your Mom and Dad will be settling in just in time. You'll need your mommy there after the bean is born!

10:09 PM  

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