28 Weeks!

We had our 28 week doctor's appointment today...unfortunately I could not take my blood sugar test because, after fasting since midnight last night, my blood sugar was already at 165 (165 what, I don't know, but it was 165) and they won't give you the sugar drink if you're over 110...so I get to come back next week & have my finger pricked, and drink a super-sweet orange drink, and then get my finger pricked

But, lest anyone worry, there's a reason that my blood sugar level was so high: I have a sinus infection! Hurrah for me...no wonder I've been so miserable & can't sleep, and when I finally do convince the giant ball o'mucous that's in my head to go to one side or the other (so I can at least have one nostril to breathe out of), I still wheeze & whistle so much that Patrick can't sleep. (In fact, I've been quite generous this past week--I gave him the cold that I had...the one that turned into the sinus infection.) The doc did give me some antibiotics & a cough syrup with codeine & antihistimines...the antibiotic should clear this infection up within three days, and the cough syrup should help clear my head and help me sleep. Yay!! Fun all around.
Back to the baby update: the Bean weighs about 3 pounds now, and looks "perfect" according to the doc. The ultrasound tech was very good, and had us look away while she was checking out the leg portion of the bean, so we didn't see (or not see, as the case may be) certain parts that would indicate whether the Bean is a boy or girl. The Bean cooperated nicely, and gave us the profile that you see here...we're trying to figure out who the Bean resembles more: Patrick or me.
We're very happy that the tape on this one turned out very well--so I'm having 3 DVDs made and will ship two out to the grandparental units as soon as they're done. And keep the volume up on this tape--the ultrasound tech paused over the heart, and you can see and hear the heartbeat!!! The heartbeat was 170, so it's back up to what it was the first time we heard the Bean's heart. The sound still makes me giggle.
Enjoy the pictures--I threw this last one in just so that you can see my big ol' preggo belly. I'm pretty proud of it!! I just can't wait to see and kiss and cuddle and smell and experience this little person that is flopping around inside my tummy!!!

I love the belly pic!!!!!!!! You look so awesome! I can't wait for you to meet the bean too!
I think the bean has your nose, sis!!
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