Thank you!!!

Okay, I borrowed this photo from Rachel's blog because Patrick and I, being the smart folks we are, forgot to bring our camera to the shower that Patrick's family had for us last weekend. I'm hoping that more folks will post pics to their blogs, and maybe, just maybe, the folks who don't have digital cameras can send us some pics.
The shower was great, and it was wonderful to see everyone. We did end up with LOTS of stuff...surprisingly, it all fit in the car, and is now safely stored in the apartment (two underbed storage containers, and Patrick's skillful moving of stuff that we had up high, and my moving of stuff down low), PLUS one of the pieces of furniture we have in the apartment is the dresser that I had when I was little, so we've already started putting clothes into that.
I want to thank everyone who was there, and for your generosity to us and the Bean.
I was thrilled that Granny, Janet & Rachel got to feel the Bean jumping around in my tummy; seems like every day the Bean is more & more active--I'm sure there will be no trouble feeling him/her when the Hardins come for a visit in mid-April, and I can't wait for my folks' visit the weekend after so THEY can feel the Bean!
We've continued to put the headphones on my tummy; right now we're listening to Al Green--and so far, the Bean does seem to like Al (and really, who doesn't?).
And, lucky me, I caught a cold this week...I stayed home on Friday, and broke down today and took a Sudafed. It is on the list of approved medications that are safe, but I figure that anything that goes into MY body goes into the Bean's as well, and I just don't like taking a lot of medications...but when you go to bed at 10pm, and are up at 11, 12, 1, 2-3:30 (figured I'd sit up on the couch, maybe that would help), 4, 5, 7-7:30 (took a hot shower), 8...well, you get the idea. So, I'm going on a bit of sleep deprivation (which may explain why I was crying so hard at the end of the movie "Parenthood")...and can somewhat breathe. Sort of. I've been drinking more water than I ever thought was possible (supplemented by herbal tea & orange juice), and generally looking quite pitiful. I may drag myself to the shower in a bit, because some Vietnamese noodles with chicken in it seems like it may go a lot way to making me feel better...
So, I think we're in for a very boring weekend; probably me trying to clear a nostril, any nostril, to be able to breathe, trying to sleep lots & Patrick will probably be surfing the 'net or trying to kill aliens, or Nazis, or whatever's trying to kill him in the X-box game du jour.
So, this is not the most exciting post ever, but I did want to let people know that I'm alive, and to say a very sincere "thank you" to everyone who made the shower possible.
Oh--and I wanted to brag again about the shirt that Patrick made for me.... We've been trying to walk just about every day, weather & health permitting. I came home one day, and Patrick seemed more eager than usual for me to get changed so we could go walking. I walk into the bedroom, and see this shirt hanging up...I think I started to cry a little!!! First, because it's a shirt that I can fit into, and second--he made the design for me. He created the little bean & everything! I just think that it's so sweet, these little things that he does for me. (Plus I really like how you can see the shirt going over my tummy....because yes, I really do look that pregnant!!)

Don't freak out--the first appointment I had was with a nurse, and they didn't really confirm or deny anything--they just had me fill out a bunch of paperwork, gave me a book & wished me congratulations. Sort of anticlimatic!
But the first DOCTOR'S visit--well, that was something else! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, and that's a sound that you won't ever forget. We also got our first ultrasound, too, when we got to see our Bean for the first time. I didn't cry, like I thought I would, but I did giggle a lot. A LOT.
Everything will be just fine-- they'll give you some samples of some great vitamins (don't be afraid to ask for SAMPLES--they're free, and the doctor's office is usually happy to hand them out!), and they'll tell you that everything is great, and to come back in a month.
Oh--and if they haven't told you this already, on your subsequent visits you get to bring them a urine sample every time...and let me tell you, once you hit your 6th month, your aim is not what it used to be. (See what you get to look forward to?)
It'll be great, and if you're ever freaking out, give me a call--we all go through that "Oh My God, what have I done? Can I do this?" and you know what--yes, you can. You've got people around you who love you and support you and want to see you happy and healthy. And we're so excited for you!!!!!
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