Makin' Poopies!

I must say that every explosive emission that Noah has had so far has been with Patrick. Not to say that I won't have my share, too (in fact, I sit here in a spit-up-stained shirt from an offering earlier...though it wasn't a volcano-type spit-up). But Patrick has just been lucky.
It all started with the "Makin' Poopies" song that Patrick made up while Noah was, well, making poopies. I guess Noah liked the song so much that when Patrick went to change his diaper a little later, Patrick actually got to see Noah making the poopies. Sort of like making the doughnuts, only you wouldn't want to eat what came out. Patrick likened it to the Play-Doh Fun Factory. (And I'm sorry, Noah, but it was caught on your Grandpa's videocamera, so yes, we will show it at every available opportunity.)
Then there's the spitting up. It's sort of like Smokey the Cat's (RIP, greasy boy) projectile vomiting, only coming out of something much less furry and way cuter. For some reason, Patrick just seems to attract the volcano-type eruptions.
Noah and I are starting to settle into a routine of sorts...still learning about each other's schedules, but we're doing pretty well so far. Thank goodness it's too early to spoil him by picking him up, holding him, rocking him, smelling him & kissing him all over his yummy baby parts--because that's pretty much what I do when he's awake. Or when he's asleep. Or when he's drifting off to sleep. Or crying. Although I have to say, he doesn't really cry all that much--I'm new at this, but he seems to just cry when he needs something, which is sort of what I do, so I can't complain all that much.
I have found out, though, that there are certain songs that are really off-limits to me right now. I was holding Noah and "When I Grow Up To Be A Man" by the Beach Boys came on--and I lost it. Here Noah was, not even two weeks old, and I'm already sad that he's going to grow up! Not that we're not going to be excited to see who he becomes, but I hate to think that someday he's not going to be this wonderful, precious, little bundle that fits so perfectly in my arms.
So, Patrick is officially on "sappy song duty" and will change the station when a song comes on that may set me off.
And, I hear the master calling now...Must Feed Baby!
I can't believe it!!! He is growing like a weed! He doesn't even look like the same baby! Such a big beautiful boy! Even if he is the poop-a-lator!
Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! It's the greatest journey on earth! Speaking as a veteran pro with a son who just turned two. And congratulations on the house! I'm so happy to hear that that's done and you're moved in. Sister told me that your Mom and Dad have moved up there as well. I don't know what I would've done without my Mom those first few months. You are very blessed that they are so close now. And you are incredibly blessed for the absolutely beautiful new addition (and the husband who will change poopy diapers)! Love you and can't wait to meet Noah in person!
He's so beautiful!! Even making the poopie face. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until August to see him. I think we are already planning a sooner trip!!
He is the CUTIEST!! Glad to hear he enjoys "really good music".
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