If a tree falls on a house in Finger, and no one is around, does it still make a noise?
Well, my first gut reaction is, yes, I'm sure it made a really loud noise. More of a crashing, maybe, but a loud noise nonetheless.
For those of you who didn't hear, there were some major storms that blew through West TN, and one of those wind gusts knocked over a really large oak or hickory tree right next to our house. That hasn't sold yet.
Here's the picture, courtesy of the Naylors--Mr. Naylor, Jr., keeps our yard looking nice, and I called him on Saturday to arrange to have him pressure wash the house, Mr. Naylor, Sr. is our realtor:

Nice, huh? Mrs. Naylor sent us 5 total pictures...this one is just particularly poetic. I like this one, too:

You really get the feeling of motion, what with the splitered wood & all.
And the funny thing is (because you have to laugh--otherwise you'll cry), we had to repair a puncture in the roof just about a year ago when a branch from this very same tree put a nice little hole in the roof. I guess I should have known then that the tree was after us.
Here's another picture Mrs. Naylor sent:

The color is a little wonky, but what it illustrates is that the top of the tree is CRUSHING the big aerial antenna that was on the OPPOSITE site of the house. That's right, boys & girls--the tree went OVER the entire house. So yes, it could have been so much worse.
But then again, if it hadn't happened at all, we'd be so much happier.
Luckily, we've got great insurance, and we just have a $500 deductible--everything else is covered. And, it's great to know that we've got a proactive realtor & great neighbors. Our realtor went to check on the house after the storm to make sure everything was okay. And when it wasn't, he rallied his troops, and even started working on finding someone to remove the tree once we got the okay from Allstate.
Hopefully the damage is just localized in that one area...but right now we've got other things that we need to focus on. We're just going to let the insurance people do their thing, get it fixed up & hopefully Mr. Naylor (realtor Naylor) will get it sold for us. Quickly. Before another natural disaster strikes. (I guess I should be lucky that Finger isn't known for it's tsunamis.)
Some more news: They're removing the tree now, and it should all be covered by insurance (well, I say "covered" but what I mean is "we fork out the dough now, and Allstate will reimburse us when all is said & done."
Mr. Naylor (realtor) said that the BIG tree fell on a smaller tree, which broke, and thus eased the BIG tree onto the roof, causing the damage you see in the pictures. But it could have been much worse--if the BIG tree hadn't fallen on the smaller tree, it probably would have crushed the house.
Thank goodness for small favors!
In any event, Mr. Naylor has the tree removal process underway, and they've got a plan to get a backhoe in & dig up the stump, bury it somewhere & then use THAT dirt to fill in the hole the BIG tree will leave.
Then we can get the house pressure washed, the leaves mulched & get that house SOLD!
Mr. Naylor said he did show it to one guy, who looked at all the leaves and said "No way!" that he did not want to rake up the leaves. *Sigh*
Oh gosh! The pictures really bring it home. I guess if you have to look for a silver lining it would be that you guys were not in the house, nor was any of your stuff. It looks like you would not have been hurt, but you never know!!! And Lord knows little beanie would not need stress like that, not to mention mommy and daddy. For some reason, I have a "feeling" that the house will sell even sooner now. Maybe some of the people working on the house or the insurance agents will know somebody who knows somebody looking for a cute house in a beautiful setting. And Viola! Plus, now there are 2 less trees to drop all of those leaves on the ground! Is this helping?
Yes, it's helping! We just have to stay focused on one thing at a time... we hate that we have to shell out the money for it, but it will be reimbursed, and after all--that's why you have savings, right?
We do feel blessed that we have such a great realtor & neighbors in the area--otherwise, Patrick would be looking at one LOOOOOONG drive!!!
I'm just thankful that there is insurance, and that there are good, kind neighbors and realtors!! And I'm so thankful that you guys weren't there!! Like Rachel said, you don't need the stress of actually having to ride out that awful storm and hear the trees fall!! It must have been just an incredible sound! Gosh, all the more reason to be GONE from West Tennessee!!!
Ok...scary! I didn't even know a tree fell! But sounds like the problem is under control!
Hey! I've been reading your blog for a while now (since your Mom told me about it when she was here)and it always makes me laugh. Even when faced with adversity (such as a tree falling on your house), you still find humor in the situation and cheer me up. So thanks for that!
I was going to post a comment during the infamous kitty poo incidents, but couldn't really find the right words (and because I was on the floor laughing). After doing cat rescue, and having a few of my own, I know only too well what you're talking about. Glad to hear that's over.
And I too am very thankful that you were not there during the storm. It must have been something! You are very fortunate to have kind neighbors (and so many Mr. Naylor's). I hope you get it fixed and sell it soon!
Anyway, it's so great to see how you're doing, and how the bean is doing. I'm so happy for you guys!!
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