Presents for the Bean already!

I think the Bean is practicing for the circus, though, because he/she has been doing all sorts of somersaults & flips. Last Friday night when Patrick was home, I pressed his hand where I've been feeling most of the movement, and on a couple big ones he could feel it a little....though the Bean is still small enough that it's not so very apparent from the outside what's taking place on the inside! I know that the time is coming when Patrick will have NO problem feeling our little Bean kicking & stretching. We're at 23 weeks (24th week begins month #6), so we're down to about 4 months to go. And yes, that does add up to 10 months. I'm not sure who is perpetuating the "9 month" lie, but preganancy does last 40 weeks...which, if you divide that into months, is TEN, not nine.
We're getting into more classes that the hospital offers (and, just so everyone knows, we ARE using St. Francis's very close, and pretty much a straight shot from the apartment, so if we're still here & I go into labor, Patrick just has to make two turns to get us to the hospital!)--we have a "Safe & Savvy Baby Buys" class that's sponsored by Babies-R-Us, so I'm wondering how much of it is useful information, and how much is just "Hey, you need to buy this, and lookee here! We're selling it on Aisle 4!" But, they do cater a dinner, and it's free, so we figured why not? (Of course, when the guy at the Baby Expo was plugging the class, he said it's either catered by the Italian Market & Grill OR Chick-Fil-A. Now, I like Chick-Fil-A, but seems like an awful big range to me. Did I mention it's free?)
Most of the classes are during the week, so it's great that Patrick found out today that they're bringing him least, they are next Wednesday! He talked to one of the Area Managers who said that they're bringing him back to Greenville, he's paid his dues, and they'll be finding a permanent position for him here. What that position may be, we're not sure (and do we care??? It's home!!!) may be his own site, it may be helping out here & there locally until something comes up. I'll be sad to see the reimbursements go, but having my Patrick home with us means more than any old expense report!
I think we're planning a trip to Knoxville around mid-March; we want to go before I get so ungainly that I won't be able to make the trip. I am still feeling great; still stuffy pretty much all the time (it gets worse after 8pm...I'm not sure why. It's kinda funny that I can almost tell what time it is by how stuffed up my nose gets! It makes cool noises at night when I sleep...sometimes I think I freak out the cats.), and I think I used too many different lotions, because I've developed this lovely itchy rash on my belly. It's quite attractive, and even more so after I've rubbed diaper rash ointment all over my belly. But, the ointment seems to help, and the rash is nearly gone (maybe it's good that Patrick wasn't here...). Once it's gone for good, I'm going to try to find ONE lotion & stick with it. "Can you go without lotion?" you may ask. The answer is...NO! Do you know how itchy stretched skin is?!?! Half the time I feel like some rednecked Bubba, absently scratching all the darn time. So no, I can't go without lotion...I'll just need to find a lotion & stick with it. I do like the Bath & Body Works Spearmint & Eucalyptus (also helps with the stuffiness...thanks, Mom!) and I don't think it's any one particular lotion that caused the reaction...I think it was mixing the 4 or 5 of them. Yeah, I know--probably wasn't the wisest thing in the world to do, but hey--when you're itchy, you become desperate!
But, my point was--I'm feeling great now; I'm not going to be running any marathons soon, but still able to lead a pretty much normal long as there's someone around to tie my shoes (if I stand up straight, I can't see my toes anymore!), and as long as there's a bathroom nearby, I'm happy.
I can't tell you the mix of emotions when I saw this picture. It's the cutest thing and made me laugh, and then I started crying!!! It's just so precious!!! The whole process is so precious that my heart is full all of the time. Again, thank you Chauntelle for being so wonderful about posting like you do. It means the world to me!
Hurrah!!! I made Janet cry (again)!
Seriously, I have moments when my emotions take over, too...I was watching the Women's Ice Skating (I taped it from last night's Olympics), and just about lost it when Sasha Cohen fell...twice. Now, keep in mind--I do not follow ice skating, I really don't know much about Sasha, but when she fell, my heart just broke for her, and I found myself stroking my belly, wondering how on earth am I to keep my little Bean safe from everything that may hurt her/him??? And then I thought of the dream Sasha probably had of taking Gold at the Olympics, and how, with those two falls, that dream was probably gone. And how, no matter how she may be hurting inside, her parents were probably hurting much, much worse.
I think that not only are we opening ourselves up to more joy than we ever thought possible, we're also opening ourselves up for pain and heartbreak. I think that I'm beginning to understand (though not fully!) what it means for a parent to let their child go into this big world of ours, to fall, and to have their dreams crumble.
But then the joy that is yours when you see your child get up...twice... and know that you are part of the reason that they have such strength.
Who said Winnie The Pooh was not cool? See, he likes rockin' to The King as much as the rest of us!
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