Our Little Chunky Monkey
He weighs 9 lbs, 4 oz. No, I'm not kidding. And I guess I can stop worrying if he's getting enough to eat!!! When he had the home visit last week, he was 8 lbs, 8 oz. Right now, I'm worried that all the newborn diapers we have aren't going to fit him--maybe we can tape two together and that'll hold him for a little bit.
Dad & I went to Babies-R-Us today & picked up the Flutterbye Swing (or whatever it's called)--and it ROCKS, both literally & figuratively. I know that you don't want your child to get used to sleeping anywhere but their bed, but there are times when I've changed him, fed him, changed him again, rocked him, cuddled him...and he won't fall asleep. It's not that he's fussy (though sometimes he is...), it's just that I look down at his sweet face & his eyes are wide open, and he's just looking around. And it's 2:30 in the morning.
So, you can see by this picture that he seems to like his swing:

It really is a cool swing--the mobile at the top spins around, and there's a mirror underneath for him to gaze at his pretty self...and the swing spins to rock either side-to-side (as it's doing here) or front-to-back.
He's getting stronger every day--his little neck muscles are really working overtime; he's just about able to hold his head up. It's still a bit wobbly, but something tells me that in the next week or so, he'll be trying out for the football team.
I'm starting to see a schedule emerge...today we woke up around 7ish, and then ate & napped until about 10. We ate again around 11-12 or so, and then Grandma & Grandpa came by, and he ate again and when Dad & I came back from Babies-R-Us around 2ish, he was sound asleep. He woke again around 3, and we had a bath, then ate--and then I put him in the swing, and the rest is history.
Since he IS asleep, I may take this opportunity to eat something myself & maybe catch a few minutes of naptime...Wish me luck!
Goodness!! Do you think he'll be reading War and Peace and eating a rare Texas steak when we come visit in a few weeks?? I may have to rethink the sizing of a couple of little things I've picked up. He's so remarkable I'll not be suprised by anything he does!!
Congratulations Chaun and Patrick. Noah is so beautiful little boy. I have enjoyed keeping track of your pregnancy. I am glad everyone came home happy and healthy. Your house is cute looking, Congratulations on the house too. Ed and I just made an offer on a home.
I hope to get you out a card and gift soon and update you on what is going on in our world.
Love, Pam
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