Monday, January 22, 2007

SuperGenius is now SuperStuffedUp

Our little SuperGenius has a SuperCold. And it's not pretty. Also, the books say that around 6 months of age, babies will start to resist the aspirator. This is hogwash. Noah fights the aspirator with the force and might of an angry badger. A really angry, angry badger. Who hasn't eaten in three days, and who missed the season premiere of "Heroes" (which is on tonight, I believe. We'll have to record it, then watch it in 15 minute increments, as is our custom these days--since trying to watch one entire show, without interruption, is a distant memory. I'm sure we'll be able to do it again in, oh, about 18 years. Maybe.).

We've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 8:15; I'm just hoping we all last until then. Patrick wasn't feeling well today, either (we're hoping the two are unrelated, since we all had breakfast on Sunday with Mom & Dad, and I'd really hate to have unwittingly passed our cooties to them); he stayed home with Noah, and I came home at noon. I walked in the door, and seeing Noah's little face just about broke my heart--his cheeks were all red and chapped; his eyes were red & tired; and his little nose was all red & running. But yet, he still saw me & smiled, then held out his arms to me. He's such the sweetest little boy, and it breaks my heart that there's nothing really that we can do for him. Except, apparently, torture him with the aspirator.

I'm also in my second week of motivational Real Estate training; it's good information, but it's hard not to get overwhelmed. I'm getting my name out there, though--just about everywhere I go, I ask if I can leave my business cards, explain that I'm in real estate & try to drum up some business. It is hard, though, working at GWB full time (unless it's a day like today, in which I work 4 hours) and then trying to cram all the Realtor business in on the weekends. Exit Realty is a good company to work for, though; this training is being sponsored by Exit, and was expensive--but Exit will reimburse you $100 for every closing you have, up to 20, this year. So, I have the opportunity to not only recoup the money I paid for the training, but actually make money on top of any commission I may wrangle up. I figured I couldn't lose, and figured it would be a good investment. We'll see how that gamble worked out at the end of the year!

The weather people have predicted two ice storms so far, and both have missed us. Well, I'm not sure if the storms "missed" us, or whether they just over-predicted it (as they usually do--when they don't predict it is usually the time we get whomped). I wish I could say the same for Rachel, who was sent to New Hampshire in January, when the chances were quite good that she would run into fairly inclement weather, and Mother Nature didn't disappoint. I believe she's back home, safe & sound, with a nice story to tell.

We finally took down our Christmas decorations this weekend--it's nice to have our living room back, but sad to see Christmas go. I'm not sure if it's because this was Noah's first year,but I'm really disappointed that it's over. I just really had a great Christmas this year--and it wasn't because of anything I got (though Daisy, my laptop, is pretty awesome!). I think it's because we had family here, and that's really all I wanted.

But, as is our tradition, we did take a picture--self-done, of course--of us in front of the Christmas tree, but this year, with a new addition in our little SuperGenius.

(Taken June 24, 2006)

(Taken January 7, 2007)


Blogger RachieK said...

My poor boy is sick? I hate that!!! I hope he feels better soon. Yes, I am safely back from the land of the ice and snow. I actually had a really good time. I passed through a place called Dublin, New Hampshire on my way to Keene. It had just started snowing and the town itself was so perfect "New England" that it made all the travel headache worth it. I am happy to be home though.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad when little one's are sick and all you can do is touture them, or at least feel like you are torturing them? I always hated that feeling.
I am so happy you are feeling successful in your real estate venture, you know Poppy sold real estate for awhile, I am sure YOU will do very well. You are out-going and well spoken and I don't believe you would sell something to someone you didn't think was a good thing.
Good things happen to people like that (usually), sometimes it just takes a little time and patience...I believe you and Patrick and full of both or something like that. You get my drift.
I'm really, really glad Rachel is home safe and sound...I kept asking Mom if she had heard from Bug about her progress, I am sure she is brimming with great stories about the winters "Up There". I am just glad she is home and OK. I sure miss her.
I can't get over how BIG that little boy is getting! WOW!! How handsome he is!!!
Can't wait to see all of you!!
Come home (Knoxville) soon!
We really love you and miss you!
Love Aunt Patty!!

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! More pictures! He's so cute and I think just keeps getting cuter the bigger he gets! :) Don't let the boys give you their cooties!!!!!!


2:19 AM  

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