Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Noah Pics!

I snapped a couple of these today & in the past few days; some of them aren't as clear as I'd like, but I guess they're pretty good, considering my squirmy subject.

I was trying to find the picture I took of Noah a few months ago in his high chair, smiling his big smile, but since that's on our hard drive, currently in the hands of individuals who can fix said computer, I'll have to do without it. I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison, see how he's grown...

He is getting so big! He's sitting up pretty well now; wobbles occasionally, and sometimes will start to topple over, in slow-motion, but those times are getting fewer & fewer. He's really jumping now, and when we put him in his jumpy swing, he goes crazy. I don't think we'll have any problem getting him on any amusement park ride, the way he's acting now! He still has no desire to be on his tummy, and when you put him down for tummy time, once he realizes what you're doing, he quickly rolls over on his back. If you think that you'll make him stay on his tummy by blocking his roll, he gets so mad....and then whines about it. A lot.

Anyway, it's time for his dinner, so let me publish these pictures and quit rambling on & on.


(The cat & the remote are the two things that I think Noah may actually crawl for.)


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