Noah Pics!
Not a whole lot of news to tell; Patrick was gone last weekend helping Dan & Janet move a whole lot of stuff from their moving vans (notice the plural) to their apartment and the storage unit; I've been trying to work the Real Estate thing as hard as I can; and we've just been enjoying our little NoMonster. He's getting so big--he's really "talking" and every once in awhile I'll catch him singing. He's not crawling yet, but I think he's beginning to understand that it's something he'd like to do. He's standing pretty well (with support of course!) and the other day was trying to pull up on the sofa.
Wanted to put a couple pictures Mom & Dad took yesterday, and one that I took a couple days ago. It's just amazing at how fast he's grown and how much his looks have changed.

I love the very last one. He just looks so content. Of course I love the "I love my Aunt" one!!!
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