Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Cinco de Noah!

Noah is ELEVEN MONTHS OLD today. Holy cow. How can that be??? I'm sure my parents, Patrick's parents, our grandparents are all nodding in complete understanding, but more so--how can THEIR babies be (enter appropriate age here)???

He's grown so much...Patrick and I were talking today at how we are amazed at the things Noah is doing--crawling quite well (a marked improvement even from a few days ago), standing, beginning to cruise, exerting his will and letting us know when he is not pleased with whatever we're doing that is making him unhappy...he's his own person, that's fer darn tootin.

He's clucking his tongue now--not sure exactly if that's what it's called--he puts his tongue on the roof of his mouth & pulls his tongue down so it makes a noise. Not sure where he learned it from, but there are enough of us adults around him making silly noises and faces that it's hard to blame, er, give credit to, any one particular person. He's not doing his pointy tongue much anymore...I think that's due to the tongue clucking. He's still clapping, though, especially when you want him to do something that he doesn't want to do...sort of like a, "Hey, look how cute I am! You like it when I clap! So please don't feed me anymore of that yucky (insert food that he's currently not liking)!"

I'm really enjoying getting to know this little boy, but sometimes it's so easy to miss the baby he was--when he'd just lie there. Especially when changing his diaper. Now, as soon as we put him on his back, he's like some sort of freaky weeble wobble, flipping over & sitting up. Oh, sure, I can hear you laughing...but it's only a matter of time before we have a rolling, sitting up, running little boy tinkle fountain. He has already shown that he thinks it's absolutely delightful to wait until after you've taken his diaper off to pee. How do we know that he thinks it's fun? Easy. He laughs. Not just giggles. He laughs. Like the "Beavis & Butthead" laugh.

No worries, NoMonster. I shall share these stories with all of your dates. Of course, that won't be for another, oh, 30 years, but I'll tell these tales on you, my precious little boy.

Seriously, I wouldn't trade one minute of our Noah--he's willful, smart, funny, sweet, and has the yummiest toes on the planet. Just thinking of him laughing is enough to make me laugh out loud, and seeing him smile at me (not just with his mouth, but with his eyes) is pure magic.

Enjoy the new pictures!

(Notice that he's standing. I had to wash the seat cover for his walker, and decided to see how to make it into a stand-behind, and thought I'd let him try it out. This is after he's figured out how to stand and play with all the toys. Admittedly, we did have a couple falls at first...but that was yesterday. Today he's the master of his walker domain.)

(I love that Noah and Patrick have the same expression on their face. And how tiny Noah's feet still look when they're in Daddy's hands.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys!!! I enjoyed your visit a couple weeks ago. I know I wasn't my 100% self but I sure appreciate you sharing you little man'o joy with me.

Love Kel

11:43 PM  

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