Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Turn left and we'll be at the Target.
This is what Noah said last night as we were on Woodruff Road, headed for A. C. Moore. And he was right--Target WAS up ahead on our left. Now, I've been working with Noah on left vs. right, but I think this was the first time that he'd really said a direction, and meant it. He's been known to imitate my Nuvi GPS (best thing EVER!) and say "Turn Left. Turn Right. Arriving at Destination." using the same inflection as the woman inside the Nuvi, even, but this was something new. So, we tested him when we stopped, to see if it was just a fluke. We asked him which hand was his left hand--he raised his left hand. We asked which was his right, and, granted, he had a 50-50 shot of raising the correct hand, and could probably deduce (as he's a genius) that we meant the other hand, but still... Pretty amazing, I think.
It's just amazing that tomorrow he'll be 3--the time has gone by way too fast. He's such a little boy now, and just getting more amazing every day. Last night we talked to Grandma on the phone, and he was really holding a conversation with her. He was telling her about his trains, and how he wants to hear "WeWillWeWillRockYou" in her car. (Apparently, Mom likes to rock out to Queen, and Noah's favorite song now is "We Will Rock You.") When we pulled up to their house yesterday to check the mail & water the plants, he said, "We're at Grandma and Grandpa's house, but they're not here right now." I think I read somewhere that at this age children can learn 10 new words a day, and I think Noah's surpassing that. He constantly is putting ideas and concepts together, and we're seeing an understanding of past, future and present tense. The other day he was bringing all his stuffed animals to the living room, lining them up and telling us to "Shhh" because they're going to sleep. Then he brought out his blanket and covered them up. (I think he may have then proceeded to then hop over them with his hopper ball, which I'm sure did nothing for the quality of sleep his animals received.)
He's really started to pretend--not just with us and with him ("You're Mommy Froggy and I'm baby Froggy!"), but with his Little People, trains, bugs, dinosaurs...
But, we still have yet to succeed with potty training. We've started to bribe him, and I'm okay with that. We give him 2 Skittles for peeing, 3 Skittles for pooping. He's received 2 Skittles to date (which is pretty much when I started the whole bribing-for-peeing), but he understands that 3 is more, and he is continually saying that he wants to POOP on the froggy potty so he can get 3 Skittles (by the way, that's not me paraphrasing--that's pretty much, verbatim, what Noah says). And yet, he continues to wait until he'd got the diaper on before pooping. Or peeing, for that matter. (And sorry folks, if this is too much information for you. Feel free to scroll down to the pictures.) But, we keep trying, but in a very non-pressuring way. I'm still not sure if he knows what he's supposed to do and just refuses (because he's my son, and SO stubborn) or if he's still not developmentally there yet. But, we sit on the froggy potty after eating, and either read some books ("Animal Baby" magazine is still his favorite, something that Mee Ma started for him, and he still really enjoys it) or watch a show. I'm just afraid that if we just watch "The Backyardigans" or "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" every time he sits on the froggy potty, he's going to be conditioned to want to go to the bathroom every time he sees them!
We're still working like mad people to get the house ready to put on the market. We've painted the bedroom, bathroom (still have to put up the molding, and a few finishing touches), living room, dining room, hallways...Noah's room and the hall bath were already painted. Still need to get carpet in the dining room (not my first choice, but the wood floors are too far gone, and not sure what other cost-effective option we have) and in the bedroom, and I'd love to put a new sink & toilet in the hall bath. Then, it's just touching up paint here & there, continuing to declutter and clean, clean, clean. I would just like to say a HUGE "THANK YOU!" to Mom & Dad for allowing their house to be our dumping ground! We've also been making progress outside, though not as much as I'd like...seems like the weeding gets away from me, and there are still some things we need to do (get rid of the dead bush, do something with the area in back that used to be the compost heap, smooth out the area where one of the trees used to be and put some pots out with some plantings). But, all-in-all, it's coming along. Hopefully we've got the situation with Allstate resolved and we can get a new roof, which will be great. I'd love to get the house on the market by the end of June (if not before)! I'm just tired of living in a giant toy box... Our house is perfectly nice, and I love the yard & where it is geographically (about 10 minutes from everything), it's just too small. I think we outgrew it before we even brought Noah home. I'm sure it will make someone else a perfectly wonderful home!
And just really quickly, back to Noah--I just have to say, too, that I'm amazed with Noah's retention--he has started to remember what happens in particular episodes to the point where he'll say, "the one with Mickey and the numbers" or he'll start to talk about what is coming up in a particular episode. And oh, back to the "We Will Rock You"--it started out with him vocalizing the "stomp stomp clap" part of the song ("Ssssh Ssssh Sssh! Ssssh Ssssh Sssh!) but the other day I noticed he was singing along--granted, he didn't know all the words, but heck--neither did I (uh...I do now. It's amazing how quickly you learn a song when you hear it over and over and over and over...).
It's just amazing to me to think that just 3 years ago, I was huge, feeling miserable, looking for furniture with Mom and Dad, with Noah just about to make his arrival. And now, he's talking, running, jumping, singing, making up silly songs, and just generally being wonderful.
Enjoy the pictures!